1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_aidtype | 6MWT: Type of aid | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_mobaid | 6MWT: Mobility aid used? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_prestest | 6MWT: Self-report BORG CR10 Scale score PRE-TEST | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_6mwt7 | CRF/6MWT - time to complete (mins) | numeric | 1.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_dt | 6MWT: Date Completed | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_6mwt6 | CRF/6MWT - distance (m) | numeric | 0.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_posttest | 6MWT: Self-report BORG CR10 Scale score POST-TEST | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_6mwt5 | CRF/6MWT - type of aid | character | 84.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_6mwt1 | CRF/6MWT - test completed | categories | 0.70% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_6mwt3 | CRF/6MWT - comment (not completed) | character | 83.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_time | 6MWT: Time to end of test | numeric | 3.70% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_distance | 6MWT: Distance Walked | numeric | 3.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_reas_nocomp | 6MWT: If no, please give reason (6MWT not completed) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_6mwt4 | CRF/6MWT - mobility aid used | categories | 3.20% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_complete | 6MWT: Was the 6 Minute Walk Test completed? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_maxheart | 6MWT: Maximal heart rate at completion of 6 Minute Walk Test | numeric | 7.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Six-Minute Walk Test | crf_fu1_6min_test | 6MWT: Was the 6 Minute Walk test performed? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Partial amputation status | partial_amp | Sustained a partial amputation? | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: No Partial amputation, 1: Partial amputation |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Partial amputation details | partial_amp_c | Details of partial amputation | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Quantity of amputations | qtyamp | al_checked ar_checked ll_checked lr_checked == 3 4 5 6 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_llimb5 | AMP-Q: Left limb (swing foot score) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_rlimb5 | AMP-Q: Right limb (swing foot score) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_llimb2 | AMP-Q: Left Limb (Sound or prosthetic) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_score | AMP-Q: Total Score (out of 47) | numeric | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob24 | CRF/AMP-Q - ascend stairs | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob23 | CRF/AMP-Q - step over obstacle | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob15 | CRF/AMP-Q - pick up objects from floor | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob2_c | CRF/AMP-Q - tested with/without prosthesis | numeric | 87.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob21 | CRF/AMP-Q - turning 180 degrees | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_llimb4 | AMP-Q: Left limb (prosthetic or sound) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob18_b | CRF/AMP-Q - swing foot score (left) | numeric | 86.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob14 | CRF/AMP-Q - eyes closed | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_llimb3 | AMP-Q: Left Limb (single limb standing balance) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob1_b | CRF/AMP-Q - test not applicable? | categories | 14.50% | 1145 | 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob12 | CRF/AMP-Q - standing reach | numeric | 86.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_nudge | AMP-Q: Nudge test: feet as close together as possible | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob10_a | CRF/AMP-Q - left leg status (#1) | numeric | 87.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob19_c | CRF/AMP-Q - foot clearance (right) | numeric | 86.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_rlimb4 | AMP-Q: Right limb (prosthetic or sound) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob22 | CRF/AMP-Q - variable cadence | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob13 | CRF/AMP-Q - nudge test | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob8 | CRF/AMP-Q - immediate standing balance (first 5s) | numeric | 86.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_rlimb6 | AMP-Q: Right limb (foot clearance) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_gait | AMP-Q: Initiation of gait | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_sitdown | AMP-Q: Sitting down: ask patient to fold arms across chest and sit | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob10_b | CRF/AMP-Q- standing balance left leg (30s) | numeric | 87.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob17 | CRF/AMP-Q - initiation of gait | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_desc | AMP-Q: DESCENT Bilaterals Adjusted Scoring:Score 1 = May require physical assist | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob26 | CRF/AMP-Q - assistive device | numeric | 87% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob18_a | CRF/AMP-Q - left leg status (#2)? | numeric | 87.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob19_a | CRF/AMP-Q - right leg status (#2)? | numeric | 87.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob20 | CRF/AMP-Q - step continuity | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_rlimb2 | AMP-Q: Right Limb (sound or prosthetic) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob19_b | CRF/AMP-Q - swing foot score (right) | numeric | 86.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_immed_stand | AMP-Q: Immediate standing balance (first 5s): begin timing immediately | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_llimb1 | AMP-Q: Left Limb | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_chair2chair | AMP-Q: Chair to chair transfer: 2 chairs at 90 deg | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_asc | AMP-Q: ASCCENT Bilaterals Adjusted Scoring:Score 1 = May require physical assistan | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_standbalan | AMP-Q: 131. Standing balance (30s stopwatch ready) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_standreach | AMP-Q: Standing reach: reach forward and grasp ruler | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_rlimb1 | AMP-Q: Right Limb | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_rlimb3 | AMP-Q: Right Limb (single limb standing balance) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob5 | CRF/AMP-Q - chair to chair transfer | numeric | 86.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_dt | AMP-Q: Date performed | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob7 | CRF/AMP-Q - rise from chair (multiple efforts) | numeric | 86.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_assistdev | AMP-Q: Assistive device selection: add points for use of an assistive device | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob11_a | CRF/AMP-Q - right leg status (#1) | numeric | 87.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob6 | CRF/AMP-Q - rise from chair (single effort) | numeric | 86.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob9 | CRF/AMP-Q - standing balance (30s) | numeric | 86.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob18_c | CRF/AMP-Q - foot clearance (left) | numeric | 86.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_arisechair | AMP-Q: Arises from chair: ask patient to fold arms across chest and stand | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_sitbalan | AMP-Q: Sitting balance: sit forward in chair with arms folded across chest(60sec) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_prosthesis | AMP-Q: Prosthesis | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob11_b | CRF/AMP-Q - standing balance right leg (30s) | numeric | 87% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_riseattemp | AMP-Q: Attempts to rise from chair (stopwatch ready): if attempt in previous quest | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_llimb6 | AMP-Q: Left limb (foot clearance) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_sitreach | AMP-Q: Sitting reach: reach forward and grasp rule | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_stepconti | AMP-Q: Step continuity | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob16 | CRF/AMP-Q - sitting down | numeric | 86.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_walk12 | AMP-Q: Variable cadence: walk a 12 distance as fast as is safely possible x 4 | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_eyesclose | AMP-Q: Eyes closed | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob3 | CRF/AMP-Q - sitting balance | numeric | 86.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_pickobject | AMP-Q: Picking up objects from the floor | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_filled | AMP-Q: AMP-Q required to be filled in? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob4 | CRF/AMP-Q - sitting reach | numeric | 86.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_stepobst | AMP-Q: Stepping over obstacle | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob27 | CRF/AMP-Q- amputee mobility score (0-47) | numeric | 87.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_mob25 | CRF/AMP-Q - descend stairs | numeric | 86.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Amputee Mobility Predictor Questionnaire | crf_fu1_ampq_turning180 | AMP-Q: Turning: 180 deg when returning to chair | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_eardrum | Audiometry: had a perforated or burst ear drum? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audpmh2a | CRF/PMH - ever suffered head injury or loss of consciousness | numeric | 54.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audpmh2c | CRF/PMH - details of head injury/unconsciousness | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_hobby | Audiometry: any noisy hobbies? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audpmh2b_rounded | CRF/PMH - date of head injury/loss of consciousness (rounded) | date | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent7d | CRF/ENT - details perforated/burst ear drum | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_trouble | Audiometry: Do you have trouble hearing or understanding normal conversation? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_ringbuzz | Audiometry: experience ringing or buzzing in the ear? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audpmh1 | CRF/PMH - cold, flu or sinus problems in last 7 days | numeric | 53.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audom2 | CRF/OM - regularly use ipod, mp3 player or similar | numeric | 54.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_surgery | Audiometry: had ear surgery recommended or performed? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent7c | CRF/ENT - date perforated/burst ear drum | date | 92.40% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_explosion | Audiometry: past exposure to explosion or blast? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audom5 | CRF/OM - exposedto loud noise in past 48 hours | numeric | 53.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audom1a | CRF/OM - current role involves exposure to loud noise | numeric | 54% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent8a | CRF/ENT - consulted ENT specialist in past year | numeric | 53.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent6b | CRF/ENT - deaf ear/total loss of hearing in which ear | categories | >95% | 1145 | -8: N/A, 1: Left ear, 2: Right ear, 3: Both ears |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent4 | CRF/ENT - frequent ear problems | numeric | 53.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent8b | CRF/ENT - date consulted ENT specialist | date | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_infections | Audiometry: experience frequent earaches, ear infections, excess earwax... | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent10 | CRF/ENT - hearing aid used or fitted | numeric | 52.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_ent_dt | Audiometry: If yes, when? (ENT specialist) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent3 | CRF/ENT - others complain about hearing | numeric | 53.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent9 | CRF/ENT - ear surgery recommended or performed | numeric | 53.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent5 | CRF/ENT - ringing or buzzing in ears | numeric | 53.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_change | Audiometry: Have you noticed any change in your hearing? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_eardrum_dt | Audiometry: When did this happen and why? perforated or burst eardrum) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent7b | CRF/ENT - perforated/burst ear drum in which ear | categories | 92.10% | 1145 | -8: N/A, 1: Left ear, 2: Right ear, 3: Both ears |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent1 | CRF/ENT - any change in hearing | numeric | 53.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_eardrum_details | Audiometry: details (perforated or burst eardrum) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audom3 | CRF/OM - any noisy hobbies | numeric | 54.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audom4 | CRF/OM - past exposure to explosion or blast | numeric | 53.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_deaf | Audiometry: diagnosed with deaf ear/total loss of hearing? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_jobexpo_details | Audiometry: if yes, give details (job exposure) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audom1b | CRF/OM - details exposure in current role | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_aid | Audiometry: use a hearing aid or have you been fitted for one? (Remove for test) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_ent | Audiometry: consulted an ENT specialist in the last year? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_complain | Audiometry: people complain about your hearing and/or the loudness | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_mp3 | Audiometry: use an iPod, MP3 player or equivalent device? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent6a | CRF/ENT - diagnosed with deaf ear/total loss of hearing | numeric | 55% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent2 | CRF/ENT - trouble hearing | numeric | 53.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_audent7a | CRF/ENT - perforated/burst ear drum | numeric | 56.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_coldflu | Audiometry: had a cold, flu or sinus problem(s) in the last 7 days? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_jobexpo | Audiometry: current job involve regular exposure to loud noise (e.g. firearms, | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Results from visit(s) | crf_fu1_audio_loudnoise | Audiometry: In the past 48 hours have you been exposed to loud noise? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_500hz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (500 Hz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 33.40% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_2khz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (2 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 36.80% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_3khz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (3 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 45.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_2khz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (2 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 37.30% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_500hz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (500 Hz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 33.80% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_6khz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (6 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 35.60% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_6khz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (6 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 45.20% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_2khz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (2 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 48.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_6khz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (6 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 34.30% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_2khz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (2 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 46.60% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_500hz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (500 Hz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 46.80% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_3khz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (3 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 35.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_audiosameyear | HistAudio - Test date, same yr as deploy/inj | date | 0% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_4khz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (4 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 46.40% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_4khz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (4 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 48.60% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_500hz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (500 Hz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 45.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_1khz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (1 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 49.40% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_8khz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (8 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 57.50% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_8khz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (8 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 58.10% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_6khz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (6 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 45.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_3khz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (3 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 37% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_1khz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (1 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 47.50% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_4khz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (4 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 35.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_4khz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (4 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 36.20% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_1khz_r_prev | HistAudio - right ear (1 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 38.40% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_8khz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (8 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 55.90% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_1khz_l_prev | HistAudio - left ear (1 kHz), prev to yr deploy/inj | numeric | 37.10% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_audioprevrecent | HistAudio - Test date, prev to yr deploy/inj | date | 0% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_8khz_l_yr_of | HistAudio - left ear (8 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 56.60% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-deployment Audiology | Pre deployment test results (from DMICP) | histaud_3khz_r_yr_of | HistAudio - right ear (3 kHz), yr deploy/inj | numeric | 48% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_asas2a | CRF/ASAS - under 40 years old at onset | categories | 80.80% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_asas3 | CRF/ASAS - 4 of 5 criteria met | categories | >95% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_asas1 | CRF/ASAS - chronic back pain for more than 3 months | categories | 0.10% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp_improve | ASAS: Improvement with exercise | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_asas2d | CRF/ASAS - pain at night | categories | 80.80% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp_noimprove | ASAS: No improvement with rest | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp_start | ASAS: Did your back pain start when you were aged 40 or under? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp | ASAS: Chronic back pain >3 months (now or previously) | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_asas2b | CRF/ASAS - insidious onset of back pain | categories | 81.10% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp_age | ASAS: Age at onset if < 40 | numeric | 75% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_asas2c | CRF/ASAS - improvement with exercise | categories | 81% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp_night_pain | ASAS: Pain at night (with improvement on getting up) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Inflammatory Back Pain (ASAS) | crf_fu1_cbp_insidious | ASAS: Insidious onset | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa3c | CRF/SPA - enthesitis (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa3 | CRF/SPA - enthesitis (heel pain) | numeric | 0.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa1c | CRF/SPA - inflammatory back pain (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_dactylitis | SPA: Dactylitis (sausage-like fingers) | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa1 | CRF/SPA - inflammatory back pain | numeric | 0.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa2 | CRF/SPA - arthritis | numeric | 0.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa8 | CRF/SPA - good response to NSAIDS | numeric | 3.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_enthesitis | SPA: Enthesitis (heel pain) | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_nsaids | SPA: Good response to NSAIDs | categories | 5.60% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa2c | CRF/SPA - arthritis (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa6 | CRF/SPA - psoriasis | numeric | 0.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_uveitis | SPA: Uveitis | categories | 0.10% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa5c | CRF/SPA - dactylitis (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa8c | CRF/SPA - good response to NSAIDS (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa9c | CRF/SPA - family history for SpA (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa6c | CRF/SPA - psoriasis (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa9 | CRF/SPA - family history for SpA | numeric | 0.50% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_psoriasis | SPA: Psoriasis | categories | 0.10% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa4c | CRF/SPA - uveitis (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_chrohns | SPA: Crohns Disease/colitis | categories | 0.40% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa5 | CRF/SPA - dactylitis | numeric | 0.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_inflam_backpain | SPA: Inflammatory back pain | categories | 0.20% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa7c | CRF/SPA - Crohn's disease/colitis (comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa7 | CRF/SPA - Crohn's disease/colitis | numeric | 0.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_spa4 | CRF/SPA - uveitis | numeric | 0.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Spondyloarthropathy features (SpA) | crf_fu1_family | SPA: Family history of SpA | categories | 0.50% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | BMI | crf_bmi_proportion_amputated | Estimated proportion of mass lost due to limb amputations. Used for crf_bmiadj. | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | BMI | crf_bmiadj | CRF/Biometric: BMI (adjusted for amputation) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | BMI | crf_fu1_bmi_adjusted | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: BMI (adjusted for amputation) | numeric | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | BMI | crf_bmicalc | CRF/Biometric - BMI (calculated) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Waist to hip ratio | crf_whratcalc | CRF/Biometric - waist to hip ratio (calculated) | numeric | 1.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Waist to hip ratio | crf_whrat | CRF/Biometric - waist to hip ratio | numeric | 93.50% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Waist to hip ratio | crf_fu1_whrat | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: waist to hip ratio (calculated) | numeric | 0.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 limb | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 level | character | 84.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 other centre received at | character | 85.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 received at HC/SH | character | 83.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 other centre received at | character | 85.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 received at HC/SH | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 reason for getting | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 used for | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 regularity | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 level | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 used for | character | 85.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 level | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 regularity | character | 78.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 regularity | character | 86% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 regularity | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 date received | date | 83.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 prosthesis | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 date received | date | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 level | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 reason for getting | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 received at HC/SH | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 limb | character | 84.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 reason for getting | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 other centre received at | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 regularity | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 level | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 limb | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 date received | date | 86% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 level | character | 78.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 other centre received at | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 used for | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 limb | character | 78.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 additional notes | character | 0.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 prosthesis | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 date received | date | 80.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 regularity | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 prosthesis | character | 83.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 used for | character | 83.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 prosthesis | character | 85.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 used for | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 date received | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 reason for getting | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 level | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 reason for getting | character | 78.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 date received | date | 81.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 prosthesis | character | 86% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 used for | character | 86% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 reason for getting | character | 81.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 received at HC/SH | character | 79.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 limb | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 date received | date | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 reason for getting | character | 86% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 additional notes | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 additional notes | character | 0.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 prosthesis | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 reason for getting | character | 79.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 regularity | character | 81.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 received at HC/SH | character | 85.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 received at HC/SH | character | 81.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 other centre received at | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 prosthesis | character | 78.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 used for | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 limb | character | 76.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 date received | date | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 prosthesis | character | 77.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 regularity | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 level | character | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 received at HC/SH | character | 77.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 regularity | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 other centre received at | character | 84.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 used for | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 additional notes | character | 0.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 limb | character | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 regularity | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 date received | date | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 used for | character | 85.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 used for | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 regularity | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 other centre received at | character | 84.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 other centre received at | character | 86.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 date received | date | 78.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 prosthesis | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 used for | character | 81% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 date received | date | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 other centre received at | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 regularity | character | 85.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 limb | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 received at HC/SH | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth_count | CRF/Prosthetic - number of prosthetics (RedCAP) | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 reason for getting | character | 85.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 level | character | 76.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 limb | character | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth1_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #1 used for | character | 77.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 other centre received at | character | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 used for | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 date received | date | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 regularity | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 reason for getting | character | 84.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 other centre received at | character | 86.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 regularity | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 level | character | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 limb | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 reason for getting | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 date received | date | 79% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 received at HC/SH | character | 86% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 level | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 prosthesis | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 other centre received at | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 reason for getting | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 received at HC/SH | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 level | character | 85.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth11_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #11 prosthesis | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 limb | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 limb | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 level | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 prosthesis | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 reason for getting | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 other centre received at | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 date received | date | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth13_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #13 received at HC/SH | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 received at HC/SH | character | 78.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 received at HC/SH | character | 84.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 regularity | character | 84.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 prosthesis | character | 81% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 prosthesis | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 used for | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 prosthesis | character | 79.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 received at HC/SH | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 other centre received at | character | 86.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 received at HC/SH | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 additional notes | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 level | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 date received | date | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth16_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #16 received at HC/SH | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 limb | character | 82.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth4_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #4 level | character | 83.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 prosthesis | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 limb | character | 82% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 level | character | 82.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 received at HC/SH | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 reason for getting | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth5_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #5 additional notes | character | 0.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 prosthesis | character | 85.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 used for | character | 78.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth2_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #2 regularity | character | 79.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth10_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #10 regularity | character | 86.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth18_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #18 limb | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 used for | character | 84.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth12_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #12 used for | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 additional notes | character | 0.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 limb | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 additional notes | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 reason for getting | character | 79.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_d | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 used for | character | 79.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth3_e | CRF/Prosthetic - #3 regularity | character | 79.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 date received | date | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 date received | date | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth17_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #17 other centre received at | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 additional notes | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 limb | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 level | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_c | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 prosthesis | character | 84.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth14_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #14 other centre received at | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_a | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 limb | character | 85.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_j | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 additional notes | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth6_b | CRF/Prosthetic - #6 level | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 other centre received at | character | 86.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth8_f | CRF/Prosthetic - #8 date received | date | 85.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_g | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 received at HC/SH | character | 85.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth7_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #7 reason for getting | character | 85.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_h | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 other centre received at | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth9_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #9 reason for getting | character | 85.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Details of all prosthetics for each relevant participant | crf_prosth15_i | CRF/Prosthetic - #15 reason for getting | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Kidney function | laburea5c | Biochem/Urea: eGFR - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Kidney function | laburea5b_com | Biochem/Urea: eGFR - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Kidney function | laburea5d | Biochem/Urea: eGFR - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Kidney function | laburea5b | Biochem/Urea: eGFR - value | numeric | 22.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Kidney function | laburea5a | Biochem/Urea: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Haemoglobin | fu1_HBB_Reference_Range | Haemoglobin: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Haemoglobin | fu1_HBB_Hosp_Comments | Haemoglobin: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Haemoglobin | fu1_HBB_Result | Haemoglobin: Result as given by hosp (g / L) | integer | 2.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | White cell count | fu1_WBC_Result | White Cell Count: Result as given by hosp (10 ^ 9 / L) | numeric | 2.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | White cell count | fu1_WBC_Reference_Range | White Cell Count: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | White cell count | fu1_WBC_Hosp_Comments | White Cell Count: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Platelet count | fu1_PLT_Result | Platelet Count: Result as given by hosp (10 ^ 9 / L) | integer | 2.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Platelet count | fu1_PLT_Hosp_Comments | Platelet Count: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Platelet count | fu1_PLT_Reference_Range | Platelet Count: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Red blood cell count | fu1_RBC_Hosp_Comments | Red Cell Count: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Red blood cell count | fu1_RBC_Result | Red Cell Count: Result as given by hosp (10 ^ 12 / L) | numeric | 2.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Red blood cell count | fu1_RBC_Reference_Range | Red Cell Count: Reference range given by hosp | numeric | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Haematocrit | fu1_HCT_Result | Haematocrit: Result as given by hosp (ratio) | numeric | 2.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Haematocrit | fu1_HCT_Reference_Range | Haematocrit: Reference range given by hosp | numeric | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Haematocrit | fu1_HCT_Hosp_Comments | Haematocrit: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) | fu1_MCV_Result | MCV: Result as given by hosp (fL) | numeric | 2.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) | fu1_MCV_Reference_Range | MCV: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) | fu1_MCV_Hosp_Comments | MCV: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpucular heamoglobin (MCH) | fu1_MCH_Reference_Range | MCH: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpucular heamoglobin (MCH) | fu1_MCH_Result | MCH: Result as given by hosp (pg) | numeric | 2.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpucular heamoglobin (MCH) | fu1_MCH_Hosp_Comments | MCH: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpucular heamoglobin conc. (MCHC) | fu1_MCHB_Reference_Range | MCHC: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpucular heamoglobin conc. (MCHC) | fu1_MCHB_Hosp_Comments | MCHC: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Mean corpucular heamoglobin conc. (MCHC) | fu1_MCHB_Result | MCHC: Result as given by hosp (g / L) | integer | 2.30% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | labgluc1a | Biochem: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | fu1_GLU_Reference_Range | Glucose: Reference range given by hosp | numeric | 3.20% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | fu1_GLU_Hosp_Comments | Glucose: Hospital comments | character | 79.20% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | labgluc1b_com | Biochem: glucose - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | labgluc1b | Biochem: glucose - value | numeric | 3.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | labgluc1d | Biochem: glucose - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | labgluc1c | Biochem: glucose - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Glucose level | fu1_GLU_Result | Glucose: Result as given by hosp (mmol / L) | numeric | 3% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | labhscrp1a | Biochem: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | fu1_HCRP_Hosp_Comments | High Sensitivity CRP: Hospital comments | character | 78.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | labhscrp1b_flag | Biochem: hs-CRP - flag | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: High value, likely active infection |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | labhscrp1b | Biochem: hs-CRP - value | numeric | 3.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | labhscrp1b_com | Biochem: hs-CRP - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | fu1_HCRP_Reference_Range | High Sensitivity CRP: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 5.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | labhscrp1d | Biochem: hs-CRP - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | labhscrp1c | Biochem: hs-CRP - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Inflammation marker | fu1_HCRP_Result | High Sensitivity CRP: Result as given by hosp | character | 4.70% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | fu1_ALP_Result | Total Alkaline Phosphatase: Result as given by hosp (u / L) | integer | 2.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | lablft2b_com | Biochem/LFT: ALP - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | fu1_ALP_Hosp_Comments | Total Alkaline Phosphatase: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | lablft2c | Biochem/LFT: ALP - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | fu1_ALP_Reference_Range | Total Alkaline Phosphatase: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | lablft2a | Biochem/LFT: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | lablft2d | Biochem/LFT: ALP - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Liver function | lablft2b | Biochem/LFT: ALP - value | numeric | 1.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | labbiochem1a | Biochem: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | labbiochem1d | Biochem: CHL - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | fu1_CHOL_Reference_Range | Cholesterol: Reference range given by hosp | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | labbiochem1b_com | Biochem: CHL - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | fu1_CHOL_Result | Cholesterol: Result as given by hosp (mmol / L) | numeric | 2.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | labbiochem1b | Biochem: CHL - value | numeric | 1.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | labbiochem1c | Biochem: CHL - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Serum lipids | fu1_CHOL_Hosp_Comments | Cholesterol: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Sex hormones | fu1_FSH_Reference_Range | FSH: Reference range given by hosp | character | 78.20% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Sex hormones | fu1_FSH_Result | FSH: Result as given by hosp (u / L) | character | 2.70% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Sex hormones | fu1_FSH_Hosp_Comments | FSH: Hospital comments | character | 78.20% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | fu1_NA_Hosp_Comments | Sodium: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | laburea1b_com | Biochem/Urea: sodium - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | laburea1d | Biochem/Urea: sodium - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | laburea1b | Biochem/Urea: sodium - value | numeric | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | laburea1a | Biochem/Urea: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | fu1_NA_Result | Sodium: Result as given by hosp (mmol / L) | integer | 2.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | laburea1c | Biochem/Urea: sodium - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Urea and electrolytes | fu1_NA_Reference_Range | Sodium: Reference range given by hosp | integer | 2.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | labhaem4b | Haem: Neutrophil count - value | numeric | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | labhaem4a | Haem: test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | labhaem4c | Haem: Neutrophil count - unit | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | labhaem4b_com | Haem: Neutrophil count - value (with comments) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | fu1_NEU_Hosp_Comments | Neutrophils: Hospital comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | labhaem4d | Haem: Neutrophil count - range | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | fu1_NEU_Reference_Range | Neutrophils: Reference range given by hosp | numeric | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Bloods | Blood: Differential white cell count | fu1_NEU_Result | Neutrophils: Result as given by hosp (10 ^ 9 / L) | character | 2.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Age | crf_fu1_ageassess | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Assessed age | numeric | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Age | crf_ageassess | CRF/Biometric - age at assessment (years) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her11 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 11 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her6 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 6 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her10 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 10 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her7 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 7 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her4 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 4 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her3 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 3 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her18 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 18 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her16 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 16 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her13 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 13 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her2 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 2 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her17 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 17 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her5 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 5 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_herrick | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick (any) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her9 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 9 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her8 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 8 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her12 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 12 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her20 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 20 | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her19 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 19 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her1 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 1 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her15 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 15 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-HERRICK | crf_her14 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Herrick 14 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ethnicity | crf_fu1_ethnicity | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Ethnicity | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ethnicity | crf_ethother | CRF/Demographic - ethnicity (other) | character | 82.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ethnicity | crf_ethnicity | CRF/Demographic - ethnicity | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: White (British), 2: White (Irish), 3: White (other), 4: Black/Black British(Caribbean), 5: Black/Black British (African), 6: Black/Black British (other), 7: Mixed (w + ba), 8: Mixed (w + bc), 9: Mixed (w + a), 10: Mixed (other), 11: Asian/Asian British (Indian), 12: Asian/Asian British (Pakistani), 13: Asian/Asian British (Bangladeshi), 14: Asian/Asian British (other), 15: Other (Chinese), 16: Other |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_widowed | Background: Relationship Status-Widowed | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_longtrelation | Background: Relationship Status-Long-Term Relation | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_relation_satis | Background: Relationship Status-Satisfied | categories | 0.40% | 1053 | 1: Extremely satisfied, 2: Satisfied, 3: Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, 4: Dissatisfied, 5: Extremely dissatisfied, 6: Not Applicable |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_divorced | Background: Relationship Status-Divorced | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Marital status | crf_derived_in_relationship | CRF/Demographic - binary relationship status derived from crf_marstatus | numeric | 0.40% | 1145 | |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_married | Background: Relationship Status-Married | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_partner | Background: Relationship Status-Living with Partner | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_separated | Background: Relationship Status-Separated | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Marital status | pq_fu1_relstatus_single | Background: Relationship Status-Single | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_oth_spec_relat | Background: Lives With-Other relative (specify) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside6a | CRF/Demographic - resides at base/unit (other) | character | 84.50% | 1145 | |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_livealone | Background: Lives With-Alone | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_anyelse | Background: Lives With-Anyone else | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_othrelative | Background: Lives With-Other Relative | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_livechildren | Background: Lives With-Children | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside6 | CRF/Demographic - resides at base/unit | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside7a | CRF/Demographic - resides with other (specify) | character | 83.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_childages | Background: Lives With-Children (Ages) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_livepartner | Background: Lives With-Spouse/Partner | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside3 | CRF/Demographic - resides with partner | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Participant Questionnaire | Housing arrangements | pq_fu1_livewith_oth_spec_anyelse | Background: Lives With-Anyone else (specify) | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside1 | CRF/Demographic - resides alone | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside7 | CRF/Demographic - resides with other | numeric | 50.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside4 | CRF/Demographic - resides in assisted living accommodation | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside2 | CRF/Demographic - resides with parents | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside5a | CRF/Demographic - ages of dependent children | character | 49.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Housing arrangements | crf_reside5 | CRF/Demographic - resides with dependents | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_dtdischarge_rounded | CRF/Demographic - discharge date (rounded) | date | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_servstat1a | CRF/Demographic - current serving status (other) | character | 81.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_branch | CRF/Demographic - service branch | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: RN, 2: Army/RM, 3: RAF |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_losreg | CRF/Demographic - length of service (regular) | character | 1.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_discharge1a | CRF/Demographic - how discharged (other) | character | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_losres | CRF/Demographic - length of service (reserve) | numeric | 73.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving status | crf_serv_defin | CRF/Demographic - Is the participant still serving? | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: Not serving, 1: Still serving |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Rank | crf_rank | CRF/Demographic - What is/was current rank? | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: Private or equivalent, 2: Junior NCO, 3: Senior NCO, 4: Junior Comm Officer, 5: Senior Comm Officer, 6: Other |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Rank | crf_rankoth | CRF/Demographic - rank (other) | character | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_10 | CRF/Demographic - primary role communications (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_4 | CRF/Demographic - primary role EOD (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_14 | CRF/Demographic - primary role CIMIC (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_8 | CRF/Demographic - primary role catering (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_9 | CRF/Demographic - primary role intelligence (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_13 | CRF/Demographic - primary role training local army/police (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_2 | CRF/Demographic - primary role medical (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_19 | CRF/Demographic - primary role other (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_18 | CRF/Demographic - primary role force protection (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_12 | CRF/Demographic - primary role flight operations (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_prupre | CRF/Demographic - primary role (pre-deploy/injury) | categories | 0.20% | 1145 | 1: Combat, 2: Combat support, 3: Combat services support, 4: Other |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_11 | CRF/Demographic - primary role military police (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_19a | CRF/Demographic - primary role other (pre-deploy/injury) | character | 83.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_7 | CRF/Demographic - primary role engineering (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_6 | CRF/Demographic - primary role aircrew (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_17 | CRF/Demographic - primary role warfare branch (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_3 | CRF/Demographic - primary role welfare (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_16 | CRF/Demographic - primary role driver (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_15 | CRF/Demographic - primary role administration (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_5 | CRF/Demographic - primary role logistics (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-deployment | crf_pru1_1 | CRF/Demographic - primary role combat (pre-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_15 | CRF/Demographic - primary role administration (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_19 | CRF/Demographic - primary role other (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_10 | CRF/Demographic - primary role communications (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_4 | CRF/Demographic - primary role EOD (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_13 | CRF/Demographic - primary role training local army/police (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_5 | CRF/Demographic - primary role logistics (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_18 | CRF/Demographic - primary role force protection (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_12 | CRF/Demographic - primary role flight operations (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_19a | CRF/Demographic - primary role other (post-deploy/injury) | character | 82.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_9 | CRF/Demographic - primary role intelligence (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_11 | CRF/Demographic - primary role military police (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_6 | CRF/Demographic - primary role aircrew (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_2 | CRF/Demographic - primary role medical (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_16 | CRF/Demographic - primary role driver (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_prupost | CRF/Demographic - primary role (post-deploy/injury) | categories | 84.60% | 1145 | 1: Combat, 2: Combat support, 3: Combat services support, 4: Other |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_7 | CRF/Demographic - primary role engineering (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_17 | CRF/Demographic - primary role warfare branch (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_8 | CRF/Demographic - primary role catering (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_3 | CRF/Demographic - primary role welfare (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_14 | CRF/Demographic - primary role CIMIC (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Primary role-post deployment | crf_pru2_1 | CRF/Demographic - primary role combat (post-deploy/injury) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel10 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 10 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel2 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 2 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel15 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 15 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel17 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 17 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel14 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 14 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel6 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 6 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel5 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 5 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_telic | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic (any) | numeric | 0.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel9 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 9 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel16 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 16 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel8 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 8 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel13 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 13 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel3 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 3 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel12 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 12 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel11 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 11 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel1 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 1 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel4 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 4 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Deployments-TELIC | crf_tel7 | CRF/Demographic - deployed Telic 7 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_r_fu1_wards_bmd | Right Hip: BMD for Ward's Triangle Bone analysis | numeric | 5% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_l_fu1_inter_bmd | Left Hip: BMD for inter-Trochanter Bone analysis | numeric | 4.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_l_fu1_troch_bmd | Left Hip: BMD for Trochanter Bone analysis | numeric | 4.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_r_fu1_inter_bmd | Right Hip: BMD for inter-Trochanter Bone analysis | numeric | 5% | 1053 | |
0 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_htot_bmd | Hip: BMD for Total Bone analysis for all included regions | numeric | 50.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_l_fu1_wards_bmd | Left Hip: BMD for Ward's Triangle Bone analysis | numeric | 4.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_r_fu1_htot_bmd | Right Hip: BMD for Total Bone analysis for all included regions | numeric | 5% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_r_fu1_neck_bmd | Right Hip: BMD for Neck Bone analysis | numeric | 5% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_r_fu1_troch_bmd | Right Hip: BMD for Trochanter Bone analysis | numeric | 5% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_l_fu1_htot_bmd | Left Hip: BMD for Total Bone analysis for all included regions | numeric | 4.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Hip | hip_l_fu1_neck_bmd | Left Hip: BMD for Neck Bone analysis | numeric | 4.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Spine | sp_fu1_l1_area | Spine: Bone Area of L1 | numeric | 4.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Dexa | DEXA: Spine | sp_l1_bmd | Spine: BMD of L1 | numeric | 75.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Spine | sp_fu1_l1_included | Spine: True if L1 region included | categories | 4.80% | 1053 | FALSE, TRUE |
0 | Dexa | DEXA: Spine | sp_l1_bmc | Spine: BMC of L1 | numeric | 75.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Dexa | DEXA: Spine | sp_l1_area | Spine: Bone Area of L1 | numeric | 75.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_rarm_bmd | WBody: BMD for Right Arm region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_l_s_bmd | WBody: BMD for Lumbar Spine region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_t_s_bmd | WBody: BMD for Thoracic region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_larm_bmd | WBody: BMD for Left Arm region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_rrib_bmd | WBody: BMD for Right Rib region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_pelv_bmd | WBody: BMD for Pelvic region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_wbtot_bmd | WBody: Total BMD for all included regions | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_lrib_bmd | WBody: BMD for Left Rib region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_subtot_bmd | WBody: Total BMD excluding head region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_head_bmd | WBody: BMD for Head region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_lleg_bmd | WBody: BMD for Left Leg region | numeric | 6.30% | 1053 | |
0 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_wbtot_bmd | WBody: Total BMD for all included regions | numeric | 74.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Dexa | DEXA: Whole body composition | wb_fu1_rleg_bmd | WBody: BMD for Right Leg region | integer | 6.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_brother_age | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_father_age | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Status | character | 88.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_daught_who | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1n1und50 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD n(1st degree, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_father_status | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Age | character | 88.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_brother_who | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD family member (#3) | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_brother_status | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_mother_who | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_daught_age | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1nrel1 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD n(1st degree relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1ms | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD mother or sister, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_sister_who | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_family | Family History: Ischaemic | character | 0.20% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_sister_age | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD family member (#2) | character | 79% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD age at onset (#1) | categories | 64.20% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1pos | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD positive family history | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_mother_age | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1fb | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD father or brother, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_daught_status | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD age at onset (#2) | categories | 91.70% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD status (#1) | categories | 63.40% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1nrel | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD n(any relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_mother_status | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_father_who | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member | character | 88.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD family member (#1) | character | 54.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_son_status | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Age | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_sister_status | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1nund50 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD n(any relatives, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_son_who | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1 | CRF/Fam Hist -Ischaemic heart disease (IHD) | categories | 5.50% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fh1b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - IHD status (#2) | categories | 91.60% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Ischaemic Heart disease | crf_fu1_ischaemic_son_age | Family History: Ischaemic Family Member Medical Status | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke family member (#2) | character | 84.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2fb | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke father or brother, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2ms | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke mother or sister, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke family member (#3) | character | 86.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_sister_who | Family History: Stroke Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke age at onset (#1) | categories | 88.10% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke status (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_father_status | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_daught_who | Family History: Stroke Family Member | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_daught_status | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Age | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_brother_status | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke status (#1) | categories | 87.90% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke | categories | 5.10% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_family | Family History: Stroke | character | 0.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_son_who | Family History: Stroke Family Member | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2nrel1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke n(1st degree relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_daught_age | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Status | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_sister_status | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_brother_who | Family History: Stroke Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke age at onset (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_mother_who | Family History: Stroke Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_son_age | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Status | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke family member (#1) | character | 67.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_sister_age | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2pos | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke positive family history | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_son_status | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Age | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_mother_status | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_mother_age | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_father_age | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_brother_age | Family History: Stroke Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fu1_stroke_father_who | Family History: Stroke Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2nrel | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke n(any relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2n1und50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke n(1st degree, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Stroke | crf_fh2nund50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Stroke n(any relatives, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_sister_age | Family History: High Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_mother_who | Family History: High Family Member | character | 86.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3nrel | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP n(any relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_son_age | Family History: High Family Member Medical Status | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3nund50 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP n(any relatives, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_daught_age | Family History: High Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_son_status | Family History: High Family Member Medical Age | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_mother_age | Family History: High Family Member Medical Status | character | 86.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_mother_status | Family History: High Family Member Medical Age | character | 86.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3nrel1 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP n(1st degree relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP age at onset (#1) | categories | 83.10% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3pos | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP positive family history | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3n1und50 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP n(1st degree, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_family | Family History: High | character | 0.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_daught_status | Family History: High Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP family member (#3) | character | 84.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_brother_who | Family History: High Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_father_status | Family History: High Family Member Medical Age | character | 87.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_brother_age | Family History: High Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_son_who | Family History: High Family Member | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_father_who | Family History: High Family Member | character | 87.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3fb | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP father or brother, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_father_age | Family History: High Family Member Medical Status | character | 87.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3ms | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP mother or sister, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3b4 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP comments (#2) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP family member (#1) | character | 55% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_daught_who | Family History: High Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_sister_status | Family History: High Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP family member (#2) | character | 78.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_brother_status | Family History: High Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP status (#2) | categories | 95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3c4 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP comments (#3) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3 | CRF/Fam Hist - High blood pressure (HBT) | categories | 12.70% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fu1_high_bp_sister_who | Family History: High Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP status (#1) | categories | 82.60% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | High blood pressure | crf_fh3b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - HBP age at onset (#2) | categories | 95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes status (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_brother_who | Family History: Diabetes Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes family member (#2) | character | 81.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes | categories | 5.50% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes status (#1) | categories | 87.30% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_brother_status | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_mother_status | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Age | character | 94% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_mother_age | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Status | character | 94% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4b4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes comments (#2) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_daught_age | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4fb | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes father or brother, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4nrel | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes n(any relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_daught_status | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_brother_age | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4nrel1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes n(1st degree relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4pos | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes positive family history | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes age at onset (#1) | categories | 87.90% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_daught_who | Family History: Diabetes Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes family member (#3) | character | 85.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_son_age | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes age at onset (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_mother_who | Family History: Diabetes Family Member | character | 94% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_sister_who | Family History: Diabetes Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes family member (#1) | character | 61% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4n1und50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes n(1st degree, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_son_who | Family History: Diabetes Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_father_status | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Age | character | 92% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_sister_age | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4nund50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes n(any relatives, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_father_age | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Status | character | 92% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_son_status | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_family | Family History: Diabetes | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4ms | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes mother or sister, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fh4c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Diabetes status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_father_who | Family History: Diabetes Family Member | character | 92.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes | crf_fu1_diabetes_sister_status | Family History: Diabetes Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_mother_status | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Age | character | 93% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_father_who | Family History: Menhealth Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_father_age | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_mother_age | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Status | character | 93% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_brother_who | Family History: Menhealth Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP status (#1) | categories | 91.10% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_son_who | Family History: Menhealth Family Member | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_brother_status | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_mother_who | Family History: Menhealth Family Member | character | 93.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5 | CRF/Fam Hist - Mental health problems (MHP) | categories | 3.80% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP family member (#3) | character | 86% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_daught_who | Family History: Menhealth Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_family | Family History: Menhealth | character | 1% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_sister_age | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP family member (#1) | character | 69.90% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_sister_who | Family History: Menhealth Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_father_status | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP age at onset (#1) | categories | 91% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_daught_status | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_son_status | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Age | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP family member (#2) | character | 83.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_sister_status | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_daught_age | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_brother_age | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP status (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fu1_menhealth_son_age | Family History: Menhealth Family Member Medical Status | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Mental health | crf_fh5b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - MHP age at onset (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6nund50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis n(any relatives, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis age at onset (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6nrel1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis n(1st degree relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis age at onset (#1) | categories | 83.60% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis status (#2) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_son_age | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis family member (#2) | character | 80.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6nrel | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis n(any relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6ms | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis mother or sister, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis status (#1) | categories | 83.20% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6n1und50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis n(1st degree, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis family member (#1) | character | 55.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6pos | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis positive family history | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_mother_age | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Status | character | 87.30% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh7b4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis comments (#2) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_father_age | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Status | character | 94% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis | categories | 6.40% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis family member (#3) | character | 85.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6fb | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis father or brother, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_daught_age | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_son_status | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_family | Family History: Arthritis | character | 1.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_father_status | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Age | character | 94.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh7a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_son_who | Family History: Arthritis Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_mother_status | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Age | character | 87.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_brother_status | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_daught_who | Family History: Arthritis Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_sister_status | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fh6c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Arthritis age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_daught_status | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_sister_who | Family History: Arthritis Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_brother_age | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_father_who | Family History: Arthritis Family Member | character | 94.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_mother_who | Family History: Arthritis Family Member | character | 87.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_brother_who | Family History: Arthritis Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Arthritis | crf_fu1_arthritis_sister_age | Family History: Arthritis Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_son_age | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Status | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_father_status | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Age | character | 87.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7nund50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer n(any relatives, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_mother_age | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Status | character | 87.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_son_who | Family History: Cancer Family Member | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_family | Family History: Cancer | character | 1.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_sister_who | Family History: Cancer Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh6b4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer comments (#2) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_sister_status | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_mother_who | Family History: Cancer Family Member | character | 87.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_son_status | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Age | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7n1und50 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer n(1st degree, onset under 50) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_father_age | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Status | character | 87.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7a1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer family member (#1) | character | 40% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_father_who | Family History: Cancer Family Member | character | 87.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7pos | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer positive family history | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_mother_status | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Age | character | 87.50% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7b1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer family member (#2) | character | 70.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_brother_who | Family History: Cancer Family Member | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_brother_status | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Age | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7ms | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer mother or sister, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7d3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer status (#4) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7c3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer status (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7nrel1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer n(1st degree relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7a2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer age at onset (#1) | categories | 78% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh6a4 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer comments (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7b3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer status (#2) | categories | 91.80% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7b2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer age at onset (#2) | categories | 92% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7nrel | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer n(any relatives) | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer | categories | 3.80% | 1145 | -8: DK, 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7d2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer age at onset (#4) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_brother_age | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7a3 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer status (#1) | categories | 77.50% | 1145 | 1: Resolved, 2: Ongoing, 3: Died |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7fb | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer father or brother, onset under 50 | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7c2 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer age at onset (#3) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: <50, 2: >50 |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7c1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer family member (#3) | character | 80.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fh7d1 | CRF/Fam Hist - Cancer family member (#4) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Cancer | crf_fu1_cancer_sister_age | Family History: Cancer Family Member Medical Status | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Diabetes status | crf_fu1_diabetes_stat | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Diabetes status | character | 0.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Angina/Heart attack in 1st degree relative < 60yrs | crf_fu1_angina_hrt | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Angina or heart attack in a 1st degree relative, age < 60? | categories | 1% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Chronic kidney disease (stage 3,4, or 5) | crf_fu1_kidney_dis | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Chronic kidney disease (stage 3, 4 or 5)? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Atrial fibrillation | crf_fu1_atrial_fibr | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Atrial fibrillation? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Blood pressure treatment | crf_fu1_bp_trt | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: On blood pressure treatment? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Migraines | crf_fu1_migraines | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Do you have migraines? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Systemic lupus erythematosus | crf_fu1_lupus_eryth | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Systemic lupus erythematosus? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Severe mental illness | crf_fu1_mental_ill | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Severe mental illness? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Antipsychotic medication | crf_fu1_antipsych_med | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: On antipsychotic medication? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Regular steroid tablets | crf_fu1_steroid_tabs | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: On regular steroid tablets? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Erectile dysfunction | crf_fu1_erect_dys | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: erectyle dysfunction? | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Smoking status | crf_fu1_smoking_stat | Biometric Examinations & Q Risk Calculations: Smoking status | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_caus_3_2 | Head Injuries: Q3: Cause : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_caus_2_2 | Head Injuries: Q2: Cause : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_caus_3_1 | Head Injuries: Q3: Cause : Event1 | character | 65.90% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_2_2 | Head Injuries: Q2: ever injured your head or neck in a car accident : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_2_3 | Head Injuries: Q2: ever injured your head or neck in a car accident : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_age_2_4 | Head Injuries: Q2: Age : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_age_2_5 | Head Injuries: Q2: Age : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_age_3_2 | Head Injuries: Q3: Age : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_age_3_3 | Head Injuries: Q3: Age : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_age_3_4 | Head Injuries: Q3: Age : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_caus_2_4 | Head Injuries: Q2: Cause : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_yrofvisit | Year of Visit | numeric | 0.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_caus_2_1 | Head Injuries: Q2: Cause : Event1 | character | 78.70% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_caus_3_5 | Head Injuries: Q3: Cause : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_age_3_5 | Head Injuries: Q3: Age : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_daz_3_2 | Head Injuries: Q3: Dazed/memory Gap : Event2 | categories | >95% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_caus_2_5 | Head Injuries: Q2: Cause : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_daz_3_4 | Head Injuries: Q3: Dazed/memory Gap : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_daz_3_5 | Head Injuries: Q3: Dazed/memory Gap : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_2_4 | Head Injuries: Q2: ever injured your head or neck in a car accident : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_2_5 | Head Injuries: Q2: ever injured your head or neck in a car accident : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_age_2_1 | Head Injuries: Q2: Age : Event1 | numeric | 78.90% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_age_2_2 | Head Injuries: Q2: Age : Event2 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_age_2_3 | Head Injuries: Q2: Age : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_4_1 | Head Injuries: Q4: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight : Event1 | character | 0.20% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_4_2 | Head Injuries: Q4: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_4_3 | Head Injuries: Q4: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_4_4 | Head Injuries: Q4: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_caus_2_3 | Head Injuries: Q2: Cause : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_age_4_1 | Head Injuries: Q4: Age : Event1 | character | 67.90% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_age_4_2 | Head Injuries: Q4: Age : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_daz_2_1 | Head Injuries: Q2: Dazed/memory Gap : Event1 | categories | 79.50% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_daz_2_2 | Head Injuries: Q2: Dazed/memory Gap : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_daz_2_3 | Head Injuries: Q2: Dazed/memory Gap : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_daz_2_4 | Head Injuries: Q2: Dazed/memory Gap : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_daz_2_5 | Head Injuries: Q2: Dazed/memory Gap : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_loc_2_1 | Head Injuries: Q2: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event1 | character | 78.70% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_loc_2_2 | Head Injuries: Q2: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_loc_2_3 | Head Injuries: Q2: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_loc_2_4 | Head Injuries: Q2: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_loc_2_5 | Head Injuries: Q2: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_3_1 | Head Injuries: Q3: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall : Event1 | character | 0.40% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_3_2 | Head Injuries: Q3: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_3_3 | Head Injuries: Q3: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_3_4 | Head Injuries: Q3: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_3_5 | Head Injuries: Q3: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fall : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_age_3_1 | Head Injuries: Q3: Age : Event1 | character | 66.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_1 | Head Injuries: Q1: ever been hospitalized or treated in an emergency... | character | 0.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_age_1_1 | Head Injuries: Q1: Age : Event1 | numeric | 51.90% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_age_1_2 | Head Injuries: Q1: Age : Event2 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_age_1_3 | Head Injuries: Q1: Age : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_age_1_4 | Head Injuries: Q1: Age : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_age_1_5 | Head Injuries: Q1: Age : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_age_1_6 | Head Injuries: Q1: Age : Event6 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_caus_1_1 | Head Injuries: Q1: Cause : Event1 | character | 51.80% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_caus_1_2 | Head Injuries: Q1: Cause : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_caus_1_3 | Head Injuries: Q1: Cause : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_caus_1_4 | Head Injuries: Q1: Cause : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_caus_1_5 | Head Injuries: Q1: Cause : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_caus_1_6 | Head Injuries: Q1: Cause : Event6 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_daz_1_1 | Head Injuries: Q1: Dazed/memory Gap : Event1 | character | 52.70% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_daz_1_2 | Head Injuries: Q1: Dazed/memory Gap : Event2 | categories | >95% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_daz_1_3 | Head Injuries: Q1: Dazed/memory Gap : Event3 | categories | >95% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_daz_1_4 | Head Injuries: Q1: Dazed/memory Gap : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_daz_1_5 | Head Injuries: Q1: Dazed/memory Gap : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_daz_1_6 | Head Injuries: Q1: Dazed/memory Gap : Event6 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_loc_1_1 | Head Injuries: Q1: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event1 | character | 52.20% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_loc_1_2 | Head Injuries: Q1: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_loc_1_3 | Head Injuries: Q1: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_loc_1_4 | Head Injuries: Q1: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_loc_1_5 | Head Injuries: Q1: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_everhosp_emer_loc_1_6 | Head Injuries: Q1: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event6 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_5_1 | Head Injuries: Q5: have you ever been nearby when an explosion or a blast : Event1 | character | 0.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_5_2 | Head Injuries: Q5: have you ever been nearby when an explosion or a blast : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_5_3 | Head Injuries: Q5: have you ever been nearby when an explosion or a blast : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_5_4 | Head Injuries: Q5: have you ever been nearby when an explosion or a blast : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_5_5 | Head Injuries: Q5: have you ever been nearby when an explosion or a blast : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_age_5_1 | Head Injuries: Q5: Age : Event1 | character | 15.40% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_age_5_2 | Head Injuries: Q5: Age : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_age_5_3 | Head Injuries: Q5: Age : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_age_5_4 | Head Injuries: Q5: Age : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_age_5_5 | Head Injuries: Q5: Age : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_caus_5_1 | Head Injuries: Q5: Cause : Event1 | character | 15.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_caus_5_2 | Head Injuries: Q5: Cause : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_caus_5_3 | Head Injuries: Q5: Cause : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_caus_5_4 | Head Injuries: Q5: Cause : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_caus_5_5 | Head Injuries: Q5: Cause : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_daz_5_1 | Head Injuries: Q5: Dazed/memory Gap : Event1 | character | 18.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_daz_5_2 | Head Injuries: Q5: Dazed/memory Gap : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_daz_5_3 | Head Injuries: Q5: Dazed/memory Gap : Event3 | categories | >95% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_daz_5_4 | Head Injuries: Q5: Dazed/memory Gap : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_daz_5_5 | Head Injuries: Q5: Dazed/memory Gap : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_loc_5_1 | Head Injuries: Q5: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event1 | character | 16% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_loc_5_2 | Head Injuries: Q5: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_loc_5_3 | Head Injuries: Q5: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_loc_5_4 | Head Injuries: Q5: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_blast_loc_5_5 | Head Injuries: Q5: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event5 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_carac_2_1 | Head Injuries: Q2: ever injured your head or neck in a car accident : Event1 | character | 0.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_5 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 5 Typical Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_6 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 6 Typical Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_7 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 7 Typical Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_8 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 8 Typical Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_9 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 9 Typical Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_1 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_2 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_3 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_4 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_5 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_6 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_1_st3 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_2_1 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_2_2 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_2_3 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_2_4 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_2_5 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_2_st3 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_3_1 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_3_2 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_3_3 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_3_4 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_3_5 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_3_st3 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_4_1 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_4_2 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_4_3 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_4_4 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_4_5 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_5_1 | Comments | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_5_2 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_5_3 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_5_4 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_tbi_comment_5_5 | Comments | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj | Head Injuries Step 3: ever had a period of time in which you experienced multiple, repeated impacts to your head | categories | 0.30% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_1 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 1 Cause of repeated injury | character | 65.90% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_caus_3_3 | Head Injuries: Q3: Cause : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_caus_3_4 | Head Injuries: Q3: Cause : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_3 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 3 Cause of repeated injury | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_daz_3_1 | Head Injuries: Q3: Dazed/memory Gap : Event1 | character | 66.80% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_5 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 5 Cause of repeated injury | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_daz_3_3 | Head Injuries: Q3: Dazed/memory Gap : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_7 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 7 Cause of repeated injury | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_8 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 8 Cause of repeated injury | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_loc_3_1 | Head Injuries: Q3: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event1 | character | 66.20% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_loc_3_2 | Head Injuries: Q3: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_loc_3_3 | Head Injuries: Q3: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_loc_3_4 | Head Injuries: Q3: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fall_loc_3_5 | Head Injuries: Q3: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_4 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 4 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_5 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 5 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_6 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 6 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_7 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 7 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_4_5 | Head Injuries: Q4: have you ever injured your head or neck in a fight : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_9 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 9 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_num | Head Injuries Step 3:How many repeated injuries would you like to record? | numeric | 66% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_age_4_3 | Head Injuries: Q4: Age : Event3 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_age_4_4 | Head Injuries: Q4: Age : Event4 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_age_4_5 | Head Injuries: Q4: Age : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_caus_4_1 | Head Injuries: Q4: Cause : Event1 | character | 67.80% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_caus_4_2 | Head Injuries: Q4: Cause : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_caus_4_3 | Head Injuries: Q4: Cause : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_caus_4_4 | Head Injuries: Q4: Cause : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_caus_4_5 | Head Injuries: Q4: Cause : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_daz_4_1 | Head Injuries: Q4: Dazed/memory Gap : Event1 | character | 68.30% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_daz_4_2 | Head Injuries: Q4: Dazed/memory Gap : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_daz_4_3 | Head Injuries: Q4: Dazed/memory Gap : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_daz_4_4 | Head Injuries: Q4: Dazed/memory Gap : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_daz_4_5 | Head Injuries: Q4: Dazed/memory Gap : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_loc_4_1 | Head Injuries: Q4: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event1 | character | 67.90% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_loc_4_2 | Head Injuries: Q4: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event2 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_loc_4_3 | Head Injuries: Q4: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event3 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_loc_4_4 | Head Injuries: Q4: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event4 | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_headnck_fight_loc_4_5 | Head Injuries: Q4: Loss of consciousness/Knocked out : Event5 | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_8 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 8 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_9 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 9 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_10 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 10 Cause of repeated injury | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_2 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 2 Cause of repeated injury | character | 89.70% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_2 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 2 Typical Effect | character | 89.80% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_4 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 4 Cause of repeated injury | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_4 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 4 Typical Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_6 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 6 Cause of repeated injury | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_2 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 2 Age Began | numeric | 89.70% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_1 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 1 Most Severe Effect | character | 66.60% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_cause_9 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 9 Cause of repeated injury | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_1 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 1 Age Ended | character | 66.10% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_10 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 10 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_2 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 2 Age Ended | character | 89.70% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_3 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 3 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_6 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 6 Most Severe Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_7 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 7 Most Severe Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_8 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 8 Most Severe Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_9 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 9 Most Severe Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_endage_8 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 8 Age Ended | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_10 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 10 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_3 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 3 Most Severe Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_3 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 3 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_10 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 10 Most Severe Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_2 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 2 Most Severe Effect | character | 89.80% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_1 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 1 Typical Effect | character | 66% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_4 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 4 Most Severe Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_seveff_5 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 5 Most Severe Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_1 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 1 Age Began | character | 65.80% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_5 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 5 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_10 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 10 Typical Effect | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_7 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 7 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_4 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 4 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_typeff_3 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 3 Typical Effect | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury) | Ohio State University Traumatic Brain Injury Identification Method Questionnaire | crf_fu1_repheadinj_startage_6 | Head Injuries Step 3: Injury 6 Age Began | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_edf_count | HRV: number of edf files for participant | integer | 6.80% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_stren_exercise | HRV: Strenuous exercise in prev 24hrs | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_start_timer_pb | HRV: Start time on timer - Paced Breathing | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_unaccust_activ | HRV: Was this unaccustomed activity | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_start_clock_sb | HRV: Start time on clock (actual) -Spont. Breathing | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_activ_desc | HRV: Activity desciption | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_test_performed | HRV: Was test performed | categories | 0% | 1053 | No, Yes |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_start_timer_sb | HRV: Start time on timer - Spont. Breathing | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_clinc_comm | HRV: Clincian comments | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_start_clock_pb | HRV: Start time on clock (actual) - Paced Breathing | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | HRV (Heart Rate Variability) | Heart Rate Variability (HRV) | fu1_HRV_room_temp | HRV: Room temp | numeric | 9.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Index Injury | crf_dtinjury | CRF/Biometric - date of injury | date | 49.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Index Injury | crf_dtinjury | CRF/Biometric - date of injury | date | 49.40% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | antibioticscommencedwithin6hours | antibioticscommencedwithin6hours | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | gcs9isolatedclosedheadinjury | GCS<9isolatedClosedHeadInjury | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | totalinjuriesais2005update | Total Injuries (AIS 2005 (updated 2008)) | numeric | 0.20% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | painscore4 | PainScore<4 | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | painscoremaintained4 | PainScoreMaintained<4 | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | glycaemiclevel48mmollduringaer | GlycaemicLevel4-8mmol/LduringAEROMED | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurytypethermal | InjuryTypeThermal | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nutritionalassessmentplandocumen | Nutritionalassessmentplandocumented | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | notesais2005updated2008 | Notes (AIS 2005 (updated 2008)) | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurytypeother | InjuryTypeOther | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | topinjury2bodyregion | Top Injury 2 Body Region | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nounplannedrelaparotomiesorret | NoUnplannedre-laparotomiesOrRe-thoracotomies | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | hypothermiaequip | HypothermiaEquip | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | totalregionswithinjuriesais | Total Regions With Injuries (AIS 2005 (updated 2008)) | numeric | 0.20% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | ivfluids | IVFluids | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | intent | Intent | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurytypepenetrating | InjuryTypePenetrating | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | topinjury3bodyregion | Top Injury 3 Body Region | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nomissedocularinjury | NoMissedOcularInjury | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | offtabletemperature34c | Offtabletemperature>34C | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | tourniquetreviewd2hrs | TourniquetReviewd<2Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | yearmonth | YearMonth | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | respsr4 | Resps R4 | numeric | 0.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | topinjury2description | Top Injury 2 Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpdiar3 | BP Dia R3 | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | issband | ISS Band | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurytypeblunt | InjuryTypeBlunt | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | penertratingextrememity | PenertratingExtrememity | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | issais2005updated2008 | ISS (AIS 2005 (updated 2008)) | numeric | 0.20% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | gcs | GCS | numeric | 12.80% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | fragmentsretained | Fragments Retained | numeric | 62.10% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | waterflowscoreperformedonadmissi | WaterflowScorePerformedOnAdmissionToWard | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | repeatvitalsign10min | RepeatvitalSign10Min | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | hb8gdlduringhosaeromed | Hb>8g/dlDuringHos&AEROMED | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | allwoundsphotographedpreandpostd | Allwoundsphotographedpreandpostdebridement | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | gcsmeasured | GCSMeasured | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | revascularisationsurgeryperforme | Revascularisationsurgeryperformed<6hours | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | spo2r1 | SpO2 R1 | numeric | 3.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nounplannedadmissiontocriticalca | NoUnplannedAdmissionToCriticalCare | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | sugicalairwaysecured10mins | Sugicalairwaysecured<10mins | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | spo2r2 | SpO2 R2 | numeric | 1.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | spo2r4 | SpO2 R4 | numeric | 0.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | lmwhstartedwithin24hrsofadmissio | LMWHStartedWithin24HrsOfAdmission | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | vitalsignrecorded | VitalSignRecorded | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | respsr1 | Resps R1 | numeric | 3.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | aeromedpriority | AeromedPriority | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | respsr3 | Resps R3 | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpsysr3 | BP Sys R3 | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | allwoundsicrcscoredatinitialsurg | AllwoundsICRCscoredatinitialsurgery | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | spinalmob | SpinalMob | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurymechanism | InjuryMechanism | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | usedtourniquet | Used Tourniquet | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nomissedeardruminjury | NoMissedEardrumInjury | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nocsfleak | NoCSFLeak | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | acutecompartmentfasciotomiesperf | Acutecompartmentfasciotomiesperformed<1hour | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | gcs9 | GCS<9 | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | fulltertiarysurveywithin24hrs | FullTertiarySurveyWithin24Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | longbonestabilis1hr | LongBoneStabilis<1Hr | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | whitecellcountr4 | White Cell Count R4 | numeric | >95% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | whitecellcountr3 | White Cell Count R3 | numeric | 53.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | antibiotics1hr | Antibiotics<1Hr | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | minstoonscene | Mins to On Scene | numeric | 33.30% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | itupatientsevacwithin48hrs | ITUPatientsEvacWithin48Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | severityabbreviation | SeverityAbbreviation | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | service | Service | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | inhalationairwayinjuryidentifed | Inhalation/AirwayInjuryIdentifed<1HrFollowingBurn | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurytypeblast | InjuryTypeBlast | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | usedrfviia | Used rFVIIa | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | injurytypemixed | InjuryTypeMixed | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | pulser4 | Pulse R4 | numeric | 0.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | pulser3 | Pulse R3 | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | topinjury3description | Top Injury 3 Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | minstofirstoperation | Mins to First Operation | numeric | 27% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpsysr2 | BP Sys R2 | numeric | 1.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | respsr2 | Resps R2 | numeric | 1.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | traumateamreason | Trauma Team Reason | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | roulement | Roulement | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | penetratingabdominalinjurywithbp | PenetratingabdominalinjurywithBP<90Systolic | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bsalocndepthestimatefluid1hr | BSA,Locn,DepthEstimate&fluid<1HrofBurn | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | casualtieswithhaemorrhagewithsho | CasualtiesWithHaemorrhageWithShockToTheatre<30mins | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | limbescharotomy4hrs | LimbEscharotomy<4Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | limbsalvagescoringperformedpream | Limbsalvagescoringperformedpreamputation | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | closureofpenetratingheadinjuries | Closureofpenetratingheadinjuries<6hoursofinjury | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | pulser2 | Pulse R2 | numeric | 1.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | whitecellcount | White Cell Count | numeric | 53.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | maxscoreais2005updated2008 | MaxScore (AIS 2005 (updated 2008)) | numeric | 0.20% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | minmonitorduringanaesthesia | MinMonitorDuringAnaesthesia | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | emerthoractomey10mins | EmerThoractomey<10mins | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | etc02rec10mins | ETC02Rec10Mins | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | forcetype | Force Type | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpsysr4 | BP Sys R4 | numeric | 0.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | nissband | NISS Band | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | ngfeedingwithn6hrsburn15bsa | NGFeedingWithn6HrsBurn>15%BSA | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | formaburnassessment4hrs | FormaBurnAssessment<4Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | topinjury1bodyregion | Top Injury 1 Body Region | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpdiar2 | BP Dia R2 | numeric | 1.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | batls1hrs | BATLS<1Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | country | Country | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | minstorole1 | Mins to Role 1 | numeric | 66.40% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpdiar4 | BP Dia R4 | numeric | 0.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | edvitalsignrec | EDVitalSignRec | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpsysr1 | BP Sys R1 | numeric | 3.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | usedquikclot | Used QuikClot | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bandincidenttofirstoperation | Band Incident to First Operation | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | usedhaemostatics | Used Haemostatics | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | postoptempmaintained34c | PostOpTempMaintained>34c | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bpdiar1 | BP Dia R1 | numeric | 3.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | initialwoundsurgeryperformed6ho | initialwoundsurgeryperformed<6hours | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | ckmeasured1hr | CKMeasured>1Hr | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | theatre | Theatre | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | surgicalcar2hrs | SurgicalCar<2Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | ect02 | ECT02 | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | minfciais2005updated2008 | Min FCI (AIS 2005 (updated 2008)) | numeric | 0.20% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | pulser1 | Pulse R1 | numeric | 3.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | fastus | Fast US | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | tetanusigc4hrs | TetanusIgC<4Hrs | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | mtpi | MTPI | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | tedstockingsfitted | TEDStockingsFitted | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bacteriologicalspecimenstakenpre | BacteriologicalspecimenstakenpreandpostDebridement | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | damagecontrollaparotomy90minsfr | Damagecontrollaparotomy<90minsfromEDarrival | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | spo2r3 | SpO2 R3 | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | externalfixator | External Fixator | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | laporotomyifperformedtherapeutic | LaporotomyIfPerformedTherapeutic | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | urgentthoracotomyperformedforsho | Urgentthoracotomyperformedforshockedpatients | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | degreeheadupduringaeromed | 30DegreeHeadUpDuringAEROMED | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | topinjury1description | Top Injury 1 Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | decompressivecraniotomycraniect | Decompressivecraniotomy/craniectomy<4hours | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | fasciotomiesperformedforconfirme | FasciotomiesPerformedfOrConfirmedVascularinjuries | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | usedhemcon | Used Hemcon | categories | 0% | 538 | No, Yes |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | temperaturer4 | Temperature R4 | numeric | 0.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bandincidenttoonscene | Band Incident to On Scene | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | indnovelhaemostatic | IndNovelHaemostatic | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | fastresult | Fast Result | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | temp36c | Temp>36C | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | temperaturer2 | Temperature R2 | numeric | 1.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | bandincidenttoedarrival | Band Incident to ED Arrival | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | minstoedarrival | Mins to ED Arrival | numeric | 19.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | temperaturer1 | Temperature R1 | numeric | 3.90% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR (Joint Theater Trauma Registry) core | Core JTTR Data | temperaturer3 | Temperature R3 | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR complications | Complications | complicationname | ComplicationName | character | 0% | 141 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR complications | Complications | complicationtype | ComplicationType | character | 0% | 141 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR complications | Complications | complicationdate1stofmonth | ComplicationDate (1st of month) | date | 6.30% | 141 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR complications | Complications | complicationlocation | ComplicationLocation | character | 0% | 141 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | hearingprotectionvisibledamage | HearingProtectionVisibleDamage | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | eyeprotectionvisibledamage | EyeProtectionVisibleDamage | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | notesbodyarmour | NotesBodyArmour | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | gloves | Gloves | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | vehicle | Vehicle | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | equipmenthearingprotection | EquipmentHearingProtection | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | equipmentbodyarmour | EquipmentBodyArmour | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | vehiclerestraint | VehicleRestraint | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | equipmenthelmet | EquipmentHelmet | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | glovesvisibledamage | GlovesVisibleDamage | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | helmetvisibledamage | HelmetVisibleDamage | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | noteseyeprotection | NotesEyeProtection | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | noteshelmet | NotesHelmet | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | noteshearingprotection | NotesHearingProtection | numeric | >95% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | equipmenteyeprotection | EquipmentEyeProtection | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | notesgloves | NotesGloves | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | trapped | Trapped | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | genitalprotectionvisibledamage | GenitalProtectionVisibleDamage | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | notesgenitalprotection | NotesGenitalProtection | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | vehiclelocation | VehicleLocation | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | bodyarmourvisibledamage | BodyArmourVisibleDamage | numeric | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR ppe | PPE & Vehicle data | equipmentgenitalprotection | EquipmentGenitalProtection | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR airway | Airway | role | Role | character | 0% | 449 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR airway | Airway | airway | Airway | character | 0% | 449 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | injurynotes | InjuryNotes | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | bodyregion | BodyRegion | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | aisdescription | AISDescription | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd5code | ICD5Code | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd1description | ICD1Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd_corrected_derived_sds | Derived value - icd1code corrected by Sarah Dixon Smith | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd3code | ICD3Code | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd4code | ICD4Code | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd4description | ICD4Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd3description | ICD3Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd2code | ICD2Code | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd1code | ICD1Code | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | icd2description | ICD2Description | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR injuries | Injuries | extcoicode | ExtCOICode | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | treatmenttempmin | TreatmentTempMin | numeric | 73.10% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | surgicaldescription | SurgicalDescription | character | 0% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | role | Role | character | 0% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | treatmenttempmax | TreatmentTempMax | character | 0% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | treatmentdescription | TreatmentDescription | character | 0% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | surgicalcode | SurgicalCode | character | 0% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR surgery | Surgery | treatmentminutes | TreatmentMinutes | character | 0% | 493 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR haemostatics | Haemostatics | role | Role | character | 0% | 238 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR haemostatics | Haemostatics | haemostatic | Haemostatic | character | 0% | 238 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR medications | Medications | stage | Stage | character | 0% | 515 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR medications | Medications | drug | Drug | character | 0% | 515 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR medications | Medications | route | Route | character | 0% | 515 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR medications | Medications | role | Role | character | 0% | 515 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR medications | Medications | dose | Dose | numeric | 0% | 515 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR fluids | Fluids | volume | Volume | numeric | 0.40% | 430 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR fluids | Fluids | role | Role | character | 0% | 430 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR fluids | Fluids | stage | Stage | character | 0% | 430 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR fluids | Fluids | prionvolume | PrionVolume | numeric | 0.10% | 430 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR fluids | Fluids | fluid | Fluid | character | 0% | 430 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR interventions | Interventions | role | Role | character | 0% | 510 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR interventions | Interventions | intervention | Intervention | character | 0% | 510 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR tracking | Tracking | location | Location | character | 0% | 538 | |
Pre-study variable | JTTR tracking | Tracking | days | Days | character | 0% | 538 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#7) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3c | CRF/Meds - amount (#3) | character | 81.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#3) | character | 81.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8c | CRF/Meds - amount (#8) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6g | CRF/Meds - date started (#6) | character | 84.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2f | CRF/Meds - indication (#2) | character | 75.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2g | CRF/Meds - date started (#2) | date | 76.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2h | CRF/Meds - age started (#2) | character | 81.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4g | CRF/Meds - date started (#4) | date | 84.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4c | CRF/Meds - amount (#4) | character | 83.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#8) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#1) | character | 64.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4bc | CRF/Meds - dosage: other (#4) | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#2) | character | 75.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#6) | character | 84.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1g | CRF/Meds - date started (#1) | date | 66.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6d | CRF/Meds - route (#6) | character | 84.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#5) | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4h | CRF/Meds - age started (#4) | character | 85.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_dose_unit | Medications: Drug Units | character | 62.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6h | CRF/Meds - age started (#6) | character | 85.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#3) | character | 81% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7d | CRF/Meds - route (#7) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3bc | CRF/Meds - dosage: other (#3) | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7f | CRF/Meds - indication (#7) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6c | CRF/Meds - amount (#6) | character | 84.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2d | CRF/Meds - route (#2) | character | 75.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3g | CRF/Meds - date started (#3) | date | 81.50% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_drug_name | Medications: Drug name | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8f | CRF/Meds - indication (#8) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#4) | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4d | CRF/Meds - route (#4) | character | 83.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#4) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4f | CRF/Meds - indication (#4) | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#1) | character | 65.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5c | CRF/Meds - amount (#5) | character | 83.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3h | CRF/Meds - age started (#3) | character | 84.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#7) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1h | CRF/Meds - age started (#1) | character | 75.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#2) | character | 75.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2bc | CRF/Meds - dosage: other (#2) | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#6) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#2) | categories | 88.60% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med5_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#8) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#7) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3d | CRF/Meds - route (#3) | character | 81% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#8) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7h | CRF/Meds - age started (#7) | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3f | CRF/Meds - indication (#3) | character | 81.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1bc | CRF/Meds - dosage: other (#1) | character | 1% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8d | CRF/Meds - route (#8) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#1) | categories | 76.80% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1f | CRF/Meds - indication (#1) | character | 65.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#9) | character | 85% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8h | CRF/Meds - age started (#8) | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#5) | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#5) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#4) | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_medatc5 | CRF/Meds - ATC drug name/code (#5) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med2c | CRF/Meds - amount (#2) | character | 76.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1d | CRF/Meds - route (#1) | character | 65% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med4a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_frequency | Medications: Drug Frequency | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med8_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med8g | CRF/Meds - date started (#8) | character | 85% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6a | CRF/Meds - drug name (#6) | character | 84.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_route | Medications: Drug Route | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med9_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med3e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#3) | categories | 92.80% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_dose | Medications: Drug Dose | character | 62.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med6f | CRF/Meds - indication (#6) | character | 84.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1c | CRF/Meds - amount (#1) | character | 67.40% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_drug_code | Medications: Drug name (ATC Code) | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5f | CRF/Meds - indication (#5) | character | 83.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_atc | MED/ATC: code (full) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5h | CRF/Meds - age started (#5) | character | 84.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_psp_otc | Medications: Drug Prescription or Over the Counter? | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_medatc4 | CRF/Meds - ATC drug name/code (#4) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_year_started | Medications: Drug Year Started | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7g | CRF/Meds - date started (#7) | character | 85% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med1a_c | MED: medication name (cleaned) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9b | CRF/Meds - dosage (#9) | character | 85% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9c | CRF/Meds - amount (#9) | character | 85.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_dose_other | Medications: Drug Units other | character | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5d | CRF/Meds - route (#5) | character | 83.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_drug_num | Medications: How many medications would you like to record | categories | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med7c | CRF/Meds - amount (#7) | character | 84.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_medatc3 | CRF/Meds - ATC drug name/code (#3) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_indication | Medications: Drug Indication | character | 61.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med3_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9e | CRF/Meds - prescription/OTC (#9) | categories | >95% | 1145 | 1: Prescription, 2: Over-the-counter |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med2_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9d | CRF/Meds - route (#9) | character | 85% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_medatc2 | CRF/Meds - ATC drug name/code (#2) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_sys | MED/ATC: code (system) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_medatc1 | CRF/Meds - ATC drug name/code (#1) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med4_1a_atc2 | MED/ATC: description of full code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_ther2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Medication | Medication details | crf_fu1_frequency_other | Medications: Drug Other freq | character | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_ther | MED/ATC: code (therapeutic group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9h | CRF/Meds - age started (#9) | character | 85.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med6_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_chem2 | MED/ATC: description of therapeutic group code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med7_1a_sys2 | MED/ATC: description of system code | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9f | CRF/Meds - indication (#9) | character | 85% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_medany | CRF/Meds - any medications taken? | categories | 0.10% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med5g | CRF/Meds - date started (#5) | character | 84% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | atc_med1_1a_chem | MED/ATC: code (chemical group) | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Medication details | crf_med9g | CRF/Meds - date started (#9) | character | 85.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Derived employment status category | crf_derived_empstatus_summary | CRF/Derived Variables - Employment Status Summary | categories | 0.10% | 1145 | 0: still serving, 1: employed, 2: not economically active, 3: retired |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Derived employment status category | crf_derived_empstatus_detail | CRF/Derived Variables - Employment Status Details | categories | 0.10% | 1145 | 0: still serving, 1: civilian work, 2: retired, 3: not working - ill health, 4: not working - by choice, 5: volunteering, 6: job seeking, 7: athlete, 8: homemaker, 9: education, 10: other NEE |
0 | Derived HRV | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | sdhr | SDHR | numeric | 0% | 862 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | crf_derived_hrv_logrmssd | natural log of RMSSD | numeric | 24.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | crf_derived_hrv_meanhr | Mean Heart Rate (unit beats per minute, BPM) | numeric | 24.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | crf_derived_hrv_sdhr | Standard deviation of Heart Rate (unit beats per minute, BPM) | numeric | 24.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Derived HRV | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | rmssd | RMSSD | numeric | 0% | 862 | |
0 | Derived HRV | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | meanhr | meanHR | numeric | 0% | 862 | |
0 | Derived HRV | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | logrmssd | logRMSSD | numeric | 0% | 862 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Ultrashort HRV (n = 862 participants. BL only) | crf_derived_hrv_rmssd | Root Mean Square of Successive Difference (unit millisecond, ms) | numeric | 24.70% | 1145 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Deployment Injury | Pre-sampling previous knee injury data (do participants have known knee injuries prior to sampling) | KneeOARisk | Specific pre-index knee injury that could increase the risk of future knee OA | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: FALSE, 1: TRUE |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Deployment Injury | Pre-sampling previous knee injury data (do participants have known knee injuries prior to sampling) | AnyKneeInj | Participant reported any knee complaint prior to index injury/deployment | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: FALSE, 1: TRUE |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_right_total | Total right rating | integer | ~18% | <20 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_score | Handedness score out of 100 (100 = fully right) | numeric | ~18% | <20 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_knife_right | Right handedness rating - knife | categories | ~18% | <20 | 0: None, 1: Usually Right, 2: Always Right |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_throwing_right | Right handedness rating - throwing | categories | ~18% | <20 | 0: None, 1: Usually Right, 2: Always Right |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_writing_right | Right handedness rating - writing | categories | ~18% | <20 | 0: None, 1: Usually Right, 2: Always Right |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_interpretation | Interpretation of handedness score | character | ~0% | <20 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_left_total | Total left rating | integer | ~18% | <20 | |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_knife_left | Left handedness rating - knife | categories | ~18% | <20 | 0: None, 1: Usually Left, 2: Always Left |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_throwing_left | Left handedness rating - throwing | categories | ~18% | <20 | 0: None, 1: Usually Left, 2: Always Left |
Pre-study variable | Pre-Amputation Handedness | Dominant hand pre-amputation data (for participants with upper limb amputations) | fu0_handedness_writing_left | Left handedness rating - writing | categories | ~18% | <20 | 0: None, 1: Usually Left, 2: Always Left |
1 | Clinical Report Form | NSEC classification at sampling | NSEC2010samplingrank | Classification grouped by junior, senior and officer ranks | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: Junior ranks (OR2-4), 2: Senior ranks (OR5-9), 3: Officer (OF1-6) |
0 | Clinical Report Form | NSEC classification at sampling | NSEC2010samplingrank | Classification grouped by junior, senior and officer ranks | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: Junior ranks (OR2-4), 2: Senior ranks (OR5-9), 3: Officer (OF1-6) |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_f | CRF/Oto - right ear (6 kHz) | numeric | 18.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_d | CRF/Oto - right ear (3 kHz) | numeric | 24.50% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_500hz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 500Hz: Right ear | numeric | 21.70% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_dio_notdone | Audiometry/Otoscopy: If NOT done, give details | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_hearing_testdt | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Date of Hearing Test Performed | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_a | CRF/Oto - right ear (500 Hz) | numeric | 23% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_b | CRF/Oto - right ear (1 kHz) | numeric | 23.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_8khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 8KHz: Right ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_e | CRF/Oto - right ear (4 kHz) | numeric | 24% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_g | CRF/Oto - left ear (8 kHz) | numeric | 17.40% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_6khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 6KHz: Left ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_2khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 2KHz: Right ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_8khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 8KHz: Left ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_2khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 2KHz: Left ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_1khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 1KHz: Right ear | numeric | 22.20% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto4_rounded | CRF/Oto - frequency test date (rounded) | date | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_c | CRF/Oto - right ear (2 kHz) | numeric | 26.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto3_a | CRF/Oto - hearing booth used? | numeric | 6.70% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_audio_leftear | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Examination normal: Left Ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_audio_rightear | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Examination normal: Right Ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_a | CRF/Oto - left ear (500 Hz) | numeric | 22.10% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_audio_dt | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Date of Examination: | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_4khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 4KHz: Right ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_6khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 6KHz: Right ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_d | CRF/Oto - left ear (3 kHz) | numeric | 20% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_3khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 3KHz: Right ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto6_g | CRF/Oto - right ear (8 kHz) | numeric | 17.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_rightear_h | Audiometry/Otoscopy: H: Right ear | numeric | 16.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto2_b | CRF/Oto - right ear normal? | numeric | 13.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_500hz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 500Hz: Left ear | numeric | 20.60% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_audio_booth | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Hearing booth used for test? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_audio_upload | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Upload Audiometry results outputfile from test | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_1khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 1KHz: Left ear | numeric | 21.20% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_b | CRF/Oto - left ear (1 kHz) | numeric | 22.70% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_e | CRF/Oto - left ear (4 kHz) | numeric | 20.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_f | CRF/Oto - left ear (6 kHz) | numeric | 17% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto2_d | CRF/Oto - examination comments | character | 78.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto1 | CRF/Oto - still serving | numeric | 0.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto3_b | CRF/Oto - hearing booth comments | character | 78.30% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_4khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 4KHz: Left ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_audio_details | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Please enter details | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto5_c | CRF/Oto - left ear (2 kHz) | numeric | 24% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_h | Audiometry/Otoscopy: H: Left ear | numeric | 16.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_military_serving | Audiometry/Otoscopy: Are you still serving in the military? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_fu1_leftear_3khz | Audiometry/Otoscopy: 3KHz: Left ear | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Otoscope Examination | crf_oto2_c | CRF/Oto - left ear normal? | numeric | 13.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra_7 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS7 Narrative | character | >95% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_bodyregion | Baseline Surgeries: Body region | character | 1.70% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_icd_chap | Baseline Surgeries: ICD-10 Chapter | character | 0% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_surgery | Operations/Surgeries: Has the participant had any operations/surgeries (3years) | categories | 0.10% | 1053 | No, Yes |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_dtop | Baseline Surgeries: Date of operation | date | 3.70% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_opcs_chapdesc | Operations/Surgeries: OPCS chapter description | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_opcs | Operations/Surgeries: OPCS code | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra_6 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS6 Narrative | character | >95% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_opcs_chapter | Operations/Surgeries: OPCS chapter | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_comment | Baseline Surgeries: additional comments | character | >95% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_7 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS7 | character | >95% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_surg_indicat | Operations/Surgeries: Surgery Indication | character | 73% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra_5 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS5 Narrative | character | >95% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_icd_chapdesc | Baseline Surgeries: ICD-10 Chapter desc | character | 0% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS Narrative | character | 0% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_icd_narra | Baseline Surgeries: ICD-10 Narrative | character | 0% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_surg_type | Operations/Surgeries: Surgery Type of Procedure/Surgery | character | 72.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_indication | Baseline Surgeries: Indication | character | 75.60% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra_4 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS4 Narrative | character | >95% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS | character | 0.20% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_num_surgery | Operations/Surgeries: How many procedures/surgical operations to record | character | 72.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_status | Baseline Surgeries: Status | character | 33% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_typeofop | Baseline Surgeries: Type of operation | character | 0.20% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_wave | Baseline Surgeries: Wave (Surgery number) | numeric | 0% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_surg_dt | Operations/Surgeries: Surgery Date of procedure | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_surg_ongoing | Operations/Surgeries: Surgery Procedure Ongoing or Resolved | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_icd10 | Operations/Surgeries: ICD-10 code | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_chap | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS Chapter | character | 0% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_chapdesc | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS Chapter desc | character | 0% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_icd10 | Baseline Surgeries: ICD-10 | character | 0.10% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_icd10_narrative | Operations/Surgeries: ICD-10 narrative | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_icd10_chapter | Operations/Surgeries: ICD-10 chapter | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_5 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS5 | character | >95% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_6 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS6 | character | >95% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_opcs_narrative | Operations/Surgeries: OPCS narrative | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_4 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS4 | character | >95% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_2 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS2 | character | 75.70% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_icd10_chapdesc | Operations/Surgeries: ICD-10 chapter description | character | 73.10% | 1053 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra_3 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS3 Narrative | character | 93.20% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_narra_2 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS2 Narrative | character | 76% | 717 | |
0 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | bl_surg_opcs_3 | Baseline Surgeries: OPCS3 | character | 93.20% | 717 | |
1 | Surgery | Post deployment operation/surgery details (coded) | crf_fu1_surg_bodyreg | Operations/Surgeries: Surgery What part of body region | character | 72.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Rank at Sampling | samplingrank | Rank at time sampled | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Rank at Sampling | samplingrank | Rank at time sampled | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Time from injury / deployment to ADVANCE appointment | sampling_apt_years | Time from sampled point to baseline assessment | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Age at Sampling | samplingage | Age at time sampled | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Age at Sampling | samplingage | Age at time sampled | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Service at Sampling | samplingservice | Service at time sampled | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: Navy, 2: Royal Marines, 3: Army, 4: RAF |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Service at Sampling | samplingservice | Service at time sampled | categories | 0% | 1145 | 1: Navy, 2: Royal Marines, 3: Army, 4: RAF |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Serving Status at Sampling (e.g. regular/reservists status) | sampling_servingstatus | Serving status at time sampled | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Serving Status at Sampling (e.g. regular/reservists status) | sampling_servingstatus | Serving status at time sampled | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Main Trade at Sampling | sampling_maintrade | Main trade at time sampled | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Main Trade at Sampling | sampling_maintrade | Main trade at time sampled | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Sampling year | sampling_year | Derived, rounding errors. Exposed: Y of inj. Unexposed: y of deploy of interest. | categories | 0% | 1145 | 2004: 2004 herrick0/1, 2005: 2005 herrick 1/2, 2006: 2006 herrick 3/4, 2007: 2007 herrick 5/6, 2008: 2008herrick 7/8, 2009: 2009 herrick 9/10, 2010: 2010 herrick 11/12, 2011: 2011 herrick 13/14, 2012: 2012 herrick 15/16, 2013: 2013 herrick 17/18, 2014: 2014 herrick 19/20 |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Statistical sampling weight | adv_weight | Overall weight - Response weight x sample weight | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Statistical sampling weight | fu1_long_wt | Longitudinal weight FU1 | numeric | 8% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Statistical sampling weight | adv_weight | Overall weight - Response weight x sample weight | numeric | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev3fvc | Spirometry: FEV3/FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | e50i50 | Spirometry: E50/I50 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_testdate | Spirometry: Test Date | character | 0.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_testtype | Spirometry: Test Type | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fivc | Spirometry: FIVC | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev3 | Spirometry: FEV3 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_t0 | Spirometry: t0 | numeric | 29.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef50 | Spirometry: MEF50 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_bev | Spirometry: BEV | numeric | 29.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | frcbase | Spirometry: FRC base | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_vc | Spirometry: VC | numeric | >95% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fiv5 | Spirometry: FIV.5 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev3vcmax | Spirometry: FEV3/VCmax | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef75 | Spirometry: MEF75 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fet | Spirometry: FET | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_eotv | Spirometry: EOTV | numeric | 29.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_ambhumidity | Spirometry: Amb Humidity | integer | 26.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1fvc6 | Spirometry: FEV1/FVC6 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1ppred | Spirometry: FEV1 Percent Predicted | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1lln | Spirometry: FEV1 Lower Limit of Normal | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_pef | Spirometry: PEF | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_peflmin | Spirometry: PEF L min | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef60 | Spirometry: MEF60 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_numoftrials | Spirometry: NumOfTrials | integer | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_devicesernr | Spirometry: DeviceSerNr | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_redcap_height | Height, cm (pulled from survey data) | integer | 0.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef10 | Spirometry: FEF10 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_btpsin | Spirometry: BTPSin | numeric | 26.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_stage | Spirometry: Stage | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev1fev6 | Spirometry: FEV1 FEV6 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev1fvc | Spirometry: FEV1 FVC | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev1vcmax | Spirometry: FEV1 VCext | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev25 | Spirometry: FEV 25 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev3 | Spirometry: FEV3 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev3fvc | Spirometry: FEV3 FVC | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_btpsex | Spirometry: BTPSex | numeric | 26.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef80 | Spirometry: FEF80% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev5fvc | Spirometry: FEV 5 FVC | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev25 | Spirometry: FEV.25 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fif75 | Spirometry: FIF75% | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef25 | Spirometry: FEF25 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef2575 | Spirometry: FEF25 75 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_acceptedtrials | Spirometry: Accepted Trials | integer | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_from_gas_transfer | Tests come from gas transfer machine instead of the spiro one | categories | 0.50% | 1053 | FALSE, TRUE |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_from_redcap | Machine data lost - limited results imported from REDCAP | categories | 0.50% | 1053 | FALSE, TRUE |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fvc | Spirometry: FVC | numeric | 0.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_gender | Spirometry: Gender | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef20 | Spirometry: MEF20 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef25 | Spirometry: MEF25 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef40 | Spirometry: MEF40 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1vcmax | Spirometry: FEV1/VCmax | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1zscore | Spirometry: FEV1 Z Score | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef75 | Spirometry: MEF75 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_sequenceinsession | Spirometry: Sequence in session | integer | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_spiro_ethnicity | Ethnicity (pulled from survey data and converted to GLI coding) | categories | 0.50% | 1053 | 1: White, 2: African American, 3: North East Asian, 4: South East Asian, 5: Other or Mixed |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mmef | Spirometry: MMEF | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef2575fvc | Spirometry: FEF2575 FVC | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mtc3 | Spirometry: MTC3 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mtcr | Spirometry: MTCR | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef50 | Spirometry: FEF50 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef50fvc | Spirometry: FEF50 FVC | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef50vcmax | Spirometry: FEF50 VCmax | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_peft | Spirometry: PEFT | numeric | 29.90% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_qualitygrade | Spirometry: QualityGrade | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_qualitygradebysystem | Spirometry: QualityGrade by System | character | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_redcap_age | Age (pulled from survey data) | numeric | 0.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mef90 | Spirometry: MEF90 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_messageno | Spirometry: Message No | integer | 29.90% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef2575 | Spirometry: FEF25-75% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef2575fvc | Spirometry: FEF2575/FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef2575fvc6 | Spirometry: FEF25-75% (FVC6) | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef40 | Spirometry: FEF40% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef50 | Spirometry: FEF50% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef50fvc | Spirometry: FEF50/FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef50vcmax | Spirometry: FEF50/VCmax | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef60 | Spirometry: FEF60% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef75 | Spirometry: FEF75% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef7585 | Spirometry: FEF75-85% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev6 | Spirometry: FEV6 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef10 | Spirometry: FEF10 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fef25 | Spirometry: FEF25% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev75fvc | Spirometry: FEV 75 FVC | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev75vcmax | Spirometry: FEV 75 VCmax | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1fvc | Spirometry: FEV1/FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | gender | Spirometry: Gender | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_ambpressure | Spirometry: Amb Pressure | numeric | 26.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_ambtemperature | Spirometry: Amb Temperature | numeric | 26.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_ambtemperaturefar | Spirometry: Amb Temperature Far | numeric | 26.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1pred | Spirometry: FEV1 Predicted | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1vcext | Spirometry: FEV1/VCext | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef50 | Spirometry: MEF50 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef60 | Spirometry: MEF60 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | f | Spirometry: f | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef90 | Spirometry: MEF90 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mif25 | Spirometry: MIF25 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev5 | Spirometry: FEV.5 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mtc1 | Spirometry: MTC1 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_mtc2 | Spirometry: MTC2 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | acceptedtrials | Spirometry: Accepted Trials | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | assessedby | Spirometry: initials of nurse carrying out test | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | casectrl | Category (1 = Exposed, 0 = Control) | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | cvi | Spirometry: CVI | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | devicesernr | Spirometry: DeviceSerNr | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef60 | Spirometry: FEF60 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | ethnicity | Spirometry: Ethnicity | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spirproblem | Spirometry: problem | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: Completed, 1: Missing, 2: Not done (COVID) |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fif50fef50 | Spirometry: FIF50/FEF50 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fet | Spirometry: FET | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fihe | Spirometry: FI HE | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fiv1 | Spirometry: FIV1 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fiv25 | Spirometry: FIV.25 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | peflmin | Spirometry: PEF [L/min] | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | peft | Spirometry: PEFT | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | pif_1 | Spirometry: PIF #1 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | frcextrapol | Spirometry: FRC extrapol | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | frcmb | Spirometry: FRC mb | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | frcsb | Spirometry: FRC sb | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | frcsbcor | Spirometry: FRC sb Cor | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef75 | Spirometry: FEF75 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev75 | Spirometry: FEV 75 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev75fev6 | Spirometry: FEV 75 FEV6 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1fev6 | Spirometry: FEV1/FEV6 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fvcpred | Spirometry: FVC Predicted | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fvczscore | Spirometry: FVC Z Score | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | testtype | Spirometry: Test Type | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | timepoint | Spirometry: assessment timepoint | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: Baseline, 1: Follow-up 1, 2: Follow-up 2, 3: Follow-up 3, 4: Follow-up 4, 5: Follow-up 5 |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | vc | Spirometry: VC | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | vcin | Spirometry: VCin | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_ati | Spirometry: ATI | integer | 26.40% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef40 | Spirometry: MEF40 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev75vcmax | Spirometry: FEV.75/VCmax | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev5 | Spirometry: FEV 5 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef7585 | Spirometry: FEF75 85 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef80 | Spirometry: FEF80 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mvvtime | Spirometry: MVV time | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mif50 | Spirometry: MIF50 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mif75 | Spirometry: MIF75 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mmef | Spirometry: MMEF | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef2575fvc6 | Spirometry: FEF25 75 FVC6 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fef40 | Spirometry: FEF40 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mtc1 | Spirometry: MTC1 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mtc2 | Spirometry: MTC2 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mtc3 | Spirometry: MTC3 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev3vcmax | Spirometry: FEV3 VCmax | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef25 | Spirometry: MEF25 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | sequenceinsession | Spirometry: Sequence in session | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | stage | Spirometry: Stage | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | testage | Spirometry: Age when tested | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fet2575 | Spirometry: FET25 75 | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_fev1 | Spirometry: FEV1 | numeric | 0.50% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | pef | Spirometry: PEF | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1fiv1 | Spirometry: FEV1/FIV1 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev6 | Spirometry: FEV6 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | height | Spirometry: Height | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | pif_2 | Spirometry: PIF #2 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | qualitygrade | Spirometry: QualityGrade | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | weight | Spirometry: Weight | numeric | 5% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | testdate | Spirometry: Test Date | date | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fico | Spirometry: FI CO | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fif25 | Spirometry: FIF25% | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fif50 | Spirometry: FIF50% | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev75fvc | Spirometry: FEV.75/FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | testoffset | Spirometry: Test Offset | numeric | 2.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | testtime | Spirometry: Time of test | date | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | pao2mmhg | Spirometry: PAO2 [mmHg] | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fvc | Spirometry: FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev75 | Spirometry: FEV.75 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | m0 | Spirometry: M0 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | vcmax | Spirometry: VCmax | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fvcppred | Spirometry: FVC Percent Predicted | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fvc6 | Spirometry: FVC6 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
1 | Spirometry | Spirometry | spiro_fu1_vcmax | Spirometry: VCmax | numeric | 0.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mtcr | Spirometry: MTCR | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev75fev6 | Spirometry: FEV.75/FEV6 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mef20 | Spirometry: MEF20 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | numoftrials | Spirometry: NumOfTrials | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | pao2 | Spirometry: PAO2 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | qualitygradebysystem | Spirometry: QualityGrade by System | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mvv | Spirometry: MVV | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mvv6 | Spirometry: MVV6 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mr2 | Spirometry: MR2 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev1 | Spirometry: FEV1 | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fev5fvc | Spirometry: FEV.5/FVC | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fet2575 | Spirometry: FET25-75% | numeric | 1.80% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | mr1 | Spirometry: MR1 | numeric | >95% | 1145 | |
0 | Spirometry | Spirometry | fvclln | Spirometry: FVC Lower Limit of Normal | numeric | 2.20% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_smoker_num | Smoking/Tobacco: Number of cigarettes/ pipes / roll-ups per day | numeric | 84.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4a | CRF/Smoking - NRT Champix | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4 | CRF/Smoking - current nicotine replacement therapy? | categories | 0.40% | 1145 | 0: No, 1: Yes |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4f | CRF/Smoking - NRT inhaler | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok3b | CRF/Smoking - age stopped smoking (years) | character | 85.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4d | CRF/Smoking - NRT nasal spray | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_exsmoke_age_start | Smoking/Tobacco: Age started smoking | numeric | 72.20% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4joth | CRF/Smoking - NRT other (specify) | character | 85.90% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | smokepackyears | CRF/Smoking - pack years smoked | numeric | 55.30% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | smokeperday | CRF/Smoking - cigarettes smoked per day | numeric | 48.40% | 1145 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_ecig_age_start | Smoking/Tobacco: Age started using e-cigarettes | numeric | 85.80% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_ecig | Smoking/Tobacco: Do you currently or have previously used e-cigarettes? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_smoke | Smoking/Tobacco: Do you currently smoke or have you ever smoked? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok2 | CRF/Smoking - age started smoking (years) | numeric | 51.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4c | CRF/Smoking - NRT e-cigarette | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_ecig_age_stop | Smoking/Tobacco: Age stopped using e-cigarettes | numeric | 95% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4e | CRF/Smoking - NRT gum | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_ecig_current | Smoking/Tobacco: Are you a current e-cigarette smoker? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4h | CRF/Smoking - NRT lozenger | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_smoker_age_start | Smoking/Tobacco: Age started smoking | numeric | 84.80% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4j | CRF/Smoking - NRT other | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_nrt_current | Smoking/Tobacco: Are you a current NRT user? | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok1a | CRF/Smoking - amount smoked (ex-smoker) | numeric | 50.10% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok1b | CRF/Smoking - amount smoked (current smoker) | numeric | 49.60% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok3a | CRF/Smoking - date stopped smoking | date | 70.50% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok1 | CRF/Smoking - ever smoked? | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: Never, 1: Ex-smoker, 2: Smoker |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | smokeyears | CRF/Smoking - years smoked | numeric | 54.20% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | smokepacksperday | CRF/Smoking - packs smoked per day | numeric | 48.40% | 1145 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4i | CRF/Smoking - NRT patches | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_nrt_age_stop | Smoking/Tobacco: Age stopped using NRT | numeric | 93.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_exsmoke_num | Smoking/Tobacco: Number of cigarettes/ pipes / roll-ups per day | numeric | 72.20% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_exsmoke_age_stop | Smoking/Tobacco: Age stopped smoking | numeric | 72.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_nrt_age_start | Smoking/Tobacco: Age started using NRT | numeric | 92.30% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4b | CRF/Smoking - NRT Zyban | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
1 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_fu1_nrt | Smoking/Tobacco: Do you currently or have previously use NRT | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | Clinical Report Form | Tobacco use details | crf_smok4g | CRF/Smoking - NRT sub-lingual tablet | categories | 89.70% | 1145 | -9: Missing, -8: N/A, 0: Unticked, 1: Ticked |
0 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | heartrate | VICORDER: Heart Rate | numeric | 33.50% | 1145 | |
1 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | vic_fu1_pwa_heartrate_2 | Vicorder PWA test 2: Heart Rate | integer | 3.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | vic_fu1_pwa_heartrate_1 | Vicorder PWA test 1: Heart Rate | integer | 3.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | vic_fu1_pwa_heartrate_3 | Vicorder PWA test 3: Heart Rate | integer | 3.50% | 1053 | |
1 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | vic_fu1_pwv_heartrate_1 | Vicorder PWV test 1: Heart Rate | integer | 3.30% | 1053 | |
1 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | vic_fu1_pwv_heartrate_3 | Vicorder PWV test 3: Heart Rate | integer | 3.20% | 1053 | |
1 | Vicorder | Pulse wave analysis and velocity data (Vicorder) | vic_fu1_pwv_heartrate_2 | Vicorder PWV test 2: Heart Rate | integer | 3.40% | 1053 | |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_test_bp | >=130 mm Hg systolic, >=85 mm Hg diastolic or on medication for hypertension | categories | 0.40% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_metabolic_mv | Number of missing values in tests | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_test_hdl | HDL reading <= 40 mg/dL or on medication for low HDL | categories | 2.30% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_test_triglyceride | Triglyceride reading >=150 mg/dL or on medication for high triglycerides | categories | 2.10% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
0 | Vicorder | Metabolic Syndrome Information | ms_syndrome | VICORDER: Metabolic Syndrome | numeric | 1.60% | 1145 | |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_test_glucose | Glucose reading >= 100 mg/dL or medication for elevated glucose/diabetes | categories | 3% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_test_abcirc | Waist measurement >= 102cm | categories | 0.90% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_metabolic_syndrome | Participant has MS if score >=3. Blank if ambiguous due to missing values | categories | 2.50% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
1 | Metabolic Syndrome Information | Metabolic Syndrome Information | metab_fu1_score | Number of previous 5 tests met | integer | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xprocessed | XRAY: image processed | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_error | XRAY/CE: error information | character | >95% | 1053 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | side | XRAY/CE: 0 = Right, 1 = Left | categories | 0% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce4 | XRAY/Knee: OARSI Sclerosis Score | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | ximage | XRAY: image | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce1 | XRAY/Knee: Kellgren-Lawrence Grade | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xoutcome | XRAY: processing outcome | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce9 | XRAY/Knee: compartmental imbalance of the minimum JSW Medial | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xloc | XRAY: location | character | 0% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce2 | XRAY/Knee: OARSI Joint Space Narrowing | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce3 | XRAY/Knee: OARSI Osteophyte Score | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce_side | XRAY/CE: 0 = Right, 1 = Left | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: Right, 1: Left, 2: Both |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_implant | XRAY/CE: 0 = no implant, 1 = implant | categories | 8.20% | 1053 | 0, 1 |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce10 | XRAY/Knee: compartmental imbalance of the minimum JSW Lateral | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xbatch | XRAY: batch number | character | 0% | 1145 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_img_knees_count | XRAY/CE: number of knees found on the image | integer | 8.20% | 1053 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_sc | XRAY/CE: Sclerosis OARSI grade, whole joint | integer | 8.30% | 1053 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | side | Side X-ray was taken on | categories | 0% | 1145 | 0: Right, 1: Left, 2: Both |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce11 | XRAY/Knee: 0 = no implant, 1 = implant | categories | 7.60% | 1145 | 0: no implant, 1: implant |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_kl | XRAY/CE: Kellgren-Lawrence Grade | integer | 8.30% | 1053 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce12 | XRAY/Knee: number of knees found on the image | numeric | 7.60% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce6 | XRAY/Knee: minimum Joint Space Width Lateral | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce5 | XRAY/Knee: minimum Joint Space Width Medial | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_outcome | XRAY: processing outcome CE | character | 0% | 1053 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce8 | XRAY/Knee: standardized minimum JSW Lateral | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
0 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xce7 | XRAY/Knee: standardized minimum JSW Medial | numeric | 8.10% | 1145 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_jsn | XRAY/CE: Joint Space Narrowing OARSI grade, whole joint | integer | 8.30% | 1053 | |
1 | X-Ray | X-ray Results | xry_ce_os | XRAY/CE: Osteophytes OARSI grade, whole joint | integer | 8.30% | 1053 | |