The Impact of Combat-Related Trauma Injury on Composite Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk


1. Combat-related trauma injury increases composite CVD risk.

2. Participants with lower-limb amputations will have a higher CVD than other participants.


The project aims to find a link between trauma-related injuries and cardiovascular diseases. The hypotheses include participants with a combat-related injury will increase their risk of composite cardiovascular diseases and those with lower limb amputations have a higher risk than any other participant.

QRISK®2 will be used to create a risk score for each participant involved in the study using data obtained from the recording sessions at Stamford Hall/Headley Court. Patients will be matched based on rank, ethnicity, age etc. to another participant who was also involved in the Afghanistan war and did not receive a combat-related trauma injury as the control group.


QRISK, Cardiovascular, Amputation

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