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Supplementary Study: Military to civilian transition

The ADVANCE Study doesn’t just look at Battlefield casualties. There is a whole range of additional smaller studies that will run alongside the main study. The one we will explain below is the military to civilian transition project.

The military to civilian transition project is funded by the Forces in Mind Trust (FiMT) and explores military to civilian transition experiences of the ADVANCE cohort. The project is led by Professor Nicola Fear who is the King’s College London lead for ADVANCE.

The project encompasses health, quality of life and employment outcomes and how they relate to one another and determine how injury and rehabilitation can have both positive and negative effects. Three-year follow-up will be used to identify factors predictive of stable, improving or worsening outcomes, and factors aiding or hindering transition over the period from injury to post-military life.

The findings from this work will provide evidence to understand how service personnel who have experienced physical injuries as a result of their deployment manage after leaving the military community and the influences on their longer term health and wellbeing.